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bruce t

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Posts posted by bruce t

  1. Kirk a global investment of $600+ billion includes countries such as China and Russia who hardly ever consider goals or any targets or figures relevant to what is happening in countries such as Australia and the USA. While some countries are hell bent on destroying their own economies most countries in the world are forging ahead without regards to any targets set by virtue signalling "wealthy" countries.

    Australia is a prime example. We have shut down almost all refineries and our few remaining coal powered generators are on their last legs. Yet we are happy to be the biggest coal exporter to those countries playing lip service to goals while giving everyone the middle finger. We don't pollute but are happy to assist others to do it. Bit like a crazed drug dealer!

    And on the subject of dumb and dumber. Australia's emergency reserves of fuel are actually stored in the USA. Go figure that one out.



  2. There are many who see a very simplistic solution. Stop fossil fuels. It's that very simplistic view/solution that IS the problem. Without getting into politics there are ways for all of us to clean up the world we live in. But using the sledge hammer method will only create more problems than it will fix. The over riding problem isnt the so called problem. Its the hijacking of the problem for political gain that will hurt us all. 

    I'm glad I'm old enough that I won't be around when the $#@& hits the fan. 



  3. On the Beginners forum there's the thread "Starting out in our early 50's". (For the record we started in our mid 40's). I don't want to hijack that thread so I'm posting here.

    Fulltiming in Australia is less common. But it does happen. Here's a young family who hit to road. Literally. Now Australia isn't covered with freeways like the USA. It's not even covered with roads!!! But, like Alaska once was to Americans, Cape York is to Australian's. An Adventure. Cape York is as far north as you can get on Australia's mainland. There is the old telegraph track and the 'new' road. Both have their challenges. Here's a video of a young couple traveling with a trailer. a toddler and 2 dogs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtmZgxq97KM&t=1399s  For those not wanting to watch the full video skip forward to the 20.30 mark. You may have to go back a post or two to get the full picture.

    This couple have a full series of videos that may be of interest to those wanting to kill time on a cold winters day.


  4. Isn't it great that we are all different with different needs and expectations? Our camper is almost 3 years old and we are yet to turn on the TV. Actually we haven't even connected it yet. At night we read or listen to music. We never use a heater or a/c. We don't have it to use!! In almost 3 years we have only been in a campground and hooked up 2 times. It's called lifestyle choices. (We do shower so we don't smell. Well not much anyway!!!!). 😃

    My point being is that our expectations are very low. We go camping to get away from civilization and it's gadgets. Others 'need' all the mod cons of modern society. That's fine. But what suits us may not suit others. And what suits others wont suit us. Just be realistic about expectations.

  5. You have to work/think backwards. Before asking about "how to" you need to ask "what do I need". No point designing a system if you don't know how big, or small, that system needs to be. The internet is full of calculators for figuring out power needs for RVs. We get by just fine with 200watts of solar and 200amps of battery. But I know folks who struggle with 1000watts and 100amps. 

    Figure out your needs and the rest is "easy"!!!

  6. OK I'm no expert so I'm not going to give a black and white opinion.

    BUT. But the KEY is your EXPECTATIONS. Some folks get by with a 12v fan. Or a pair of warm socks. Others need the full kit. (Friends of ours wont camp unless they can run all 3 of their a/c at the same time).

    Have a look at this YouTube video. Yes it's Australian but it's still relevant. After all it's just electrons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR2whaDPvdU  For more info look at many of their other videos on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/c/AccelerateAutoElectricsAirConditioning/videos

    Most Australians can get by with 4-600wats of solar and 2-400amps of lithium. Australians boondock way more than Americans. Maybe we smell a bit off as well but my point is, as I said above, EXPECTATIONS.




  7. I'm with RV. We never dump before hitting the road. Some dish washing liquid into both black and grey tanks. Then when we get to our campsite we dump the black followed by the grey. Then a quick rinse with water and no smells while camping. The road movement stirs up and cleans the tanks.



  8. You don't have to buy 'from' a rental company. Have a hard look around some of the big, and small, dealers yards and you'll find many vehicles that were once rentals. Rental companies wholesale their stock and dealers buy from the wholesalers.

    Years ago we were getting a service on our HHR. An 18 wheeler driver was at the dealers dropping of some vehicles. He said many of his used drop offs were ex rentals. Said if ever in doubt look at the trunk lip. If it's all scratched up then it was a rental. Caused by folks who don't care dragging bags in and out of the trunk.

    FWIW that ex rental HHR was a gem. I'm positive the clock had been wound back. We know it had a 'slight' front end accident. But 6 years later we sold it for more than we paid for it!!

  9. As far as RVs go I really feel for those with older highend motorhomes. Many have older diesel units. Even some old GM 6v92 2 stroke units. A Bluebird or Prevost registered out of state and passing through may travel the full length of Interstate 5 and put out the same/less emissions as a new pickup that is homed in California over a longer period. Common sense says that there has to be exceptions. But when did any government use common sense?

    What about classic cars and hot rods? Railroad historic equipment. So many anomalies.


  10. Everyone of us has seen the pickups that have large generators and welders on the back that work on the gas and oil fields. (More often than not in the rig beside us and the one that leaves at 5am every morning). Imagine the irony of working in the fossil fuel industry and driving an EV pickup that doesn't use what you are working to get and needs charging every night. I guess with their own generator they can charge themselves! Hang on a minute. Doesn't that need diesel to run the generator that you need to charge your EV so that we don't need fossil fuels? The generator that puts out more emissions to charge the EV than the fossil fuel truck it's replacing. A generator that would need to run longer to charge the EV than the trip to get to work in the ICE.

    It's a crazy mixed up world with common sense and logic being the biggest victims.

    I'll repeat. I'm not against EVs. I'm against the mad rush to justify something that simply has no cost benefit at this point of time.


  11. Back to the OP. EV's, by any measure, aren't ready for mainstream towing tasks.

    Here's a YouTube video/s. Now CAUTION. This guy curses and uses some bad language that may offend some folks. So you have been WARNED. I post these links as a debate on the towing capabilities of EVs and do not condone the behaviour of the presenter.

    He is a fully qualified and experience automotive engineer. Not a forum 'expert'. No I haven't personally checked his credentials.

    But I suggest those who are interested watch both videos. Especially the second video.





  12. Poll is about body or mind? My body currently feels like 80. Mind feels like 50. So can I average it and call it 70? Hang on my mind may not be fine after all. The average of 80 and 50 ain't 70. Or is it? I'll stick with my 70 and not get into trouble.

    FWIW, while sitting in the supermarket car park yesterday a small, yes even small by Australian standards, campervan pulled up near me. It was in pretty poor shape. Interstate pates. Boy I thought they are brave driving that interstate. Then a lady climbed out. She was thin and frail and everyday over 80.  So tell me again how old and sick you have to be to give up the RV lifestyle. Your age is set by your mind. Not by the candles on your cake or the wrinkles on your face.


  13. RV I'm well aware of any laws in the USA restricting interstate trade. I lived in the USA for 8 years and 'tried' to get around the various state sales tax laws. Sheez talk about a free country!!!! Every as a freelance photographer I ran into state restrictions trying to work at various shows in different states.

    Remember it was the auto builders that shut down all the tram and trolley lines. So it's nothing new.


  14. RV I have no issues with EVs. "Right tool for the right place". I read an article recently that said 77% of Australia road miles traveled in Australia are urban miles. That figure I believe is 70% in the USA. So EVs have their place and should be 'encouraged'. But what I, and many others, object to is ANY government telling us what we can or can't drive. Let the market decide. And don't let ideology blind common sense. 



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