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Everything posted by IYQ

  1. You might know My holding tank just could not hold out for one more day. This morning I ran out of water so I filled my little Blue Wal-Mart tank and used my antifreeze valve to pump it into the Fresh Water Tank. I no more than got that done and flushed the John and the huge odor hit my nose. So I hooked up and towed it down to the other campground to the dump station. Now I'm back in my space with 6 gallons of fresh water and empty holding tanks. Well at least I won't have to do all that when I leave here Monday Morning. We had a little wind today but not too bad. It popped the slide toppper a couple of times during a gust but all in all it was not too bad. My Blond friend is due in from City of Rocks tomorrow and I promised to take her to dinner. So that will wipe out one day. That means I'll be getting this trailer ready for the road late Sunday night. It's only a little over a hundred miles up to Dave's place so if I don't get it all ready the night before. I'll just leave a little later Monday. Dave. Im coming to your rescue. I promise nice weather all the time I'm there. Well Maybe if the weather forcast holds good. Steve, I got the Cranberry Juice out and celebrated the 8th anyway. Let us know when you get a new closing date. We need another excuse to celebrate.
  2. I wish I'd known about that pump. When I was having the trouble with air in my lines I bought a large on demand pump. It proved not to be the pump and the big pump was a little too much for my system so I put the old one back in. I'd have given you the big one if I'd known you needed it. Today was a little windy but not bad. We had two or three gust that made things shake rattle and roll but for the most part it was just a little to windy to be comfortable sitting outside but plenty calm enough to take my walk. In fact I took two of them. I haven't done a blame thing else except talk on the Telephone to a gal that's coming here Saturday from City of Rocks. Oh Yeah I tinkered with a few things that really didn't need tinkering with in the fist place.
  3. Dave just rolls over and say not now I have a headache. This morning started out pretty nice I got in a 2 mile walk. Then the breeze started picking up and just kept getting stroger all day long. By this evening I was seeing Seves dog flying past my window too. The sun is going down now and the wind seems to be slacking off. Lets hope it dies completel. I'll gladly attend it's funeral. I did get some sleep last night so thats a plus. And tonight I'm going to turn my phone off completely. I've only got 4 more days here then I can start complaining about somewhere else.
  4. I can't win for loosing. Last night about 2:30 AM my phone rang. It stopped before I could answer it. It was a restricted number so I have no Idea who it was. It got me wide awake again so I spent the rest of the night drinking coffee and holding my head again. today was a nice day but we are expecting to get hit by another wind storm tomorrow and for that matter the rest of the week. Uuugggghhh
  5. The trailer rocked and rolled all last night so bad that at 4:30 this morning I gave up and just got up and dressed and drank coffee the rest of the night. Then this morning after it got light the wind stopped and the temperature stayed in the mid 70's and we had a beautiful day. I took a nice long walk this afternoon and a little Steve-esta to catch up from last night. I drove down the road about 5 miles to get a tank of LP and yaked with the park host most of the day. I sure wise we would get more days like this. I might never leave.
  6. After reading Dave's post I guess I haven't anything to complain about but I'm going to complain anyway. This morning I was sitting inside drinking coffee. The wind was blowing but not bat at all. All of a sudden a blast of wind hit the trailer, pushed the slide out in at the top about a foot then let it slam back out against the stops. My two folding chairs went flying across the room and bottles I had setting on the sink blew over. A cloud of grit and dust went through the place leaving so much grit behind that all I have to do to file my finger nails is blow on them. Outside my blue folding chair took off across the field and my new little table tipped over. I had 3 pieces of Cottonwood bark laying on the table it ended up about 30 ft away on the other side of the trailer. I had two pieces I had been carving on and they ended up under the trailer back beyond the axels. The wind stayed strong with really strong gust unlil about 5:30 PM I took a walk about 6:30 and a lot of tiny branches from the cottonwood trees were laying all over the place. The wind is still blowing but it has slacked off a bunch. Man If I'd have gone up to see Dave today, I wouldn't have had to burn any gas at all. I'd just have to have a big ancor to stop myself when I got there. Dave: I'm going to stay down here for at least another week. Maybe more.
  7. More 90+ weather today. I took my walk early while it was still cool then had a Steve-esta this afternoon. I'm thinking maybe I should head up hill about a thousand feet but I'm sure if I did it would drop down into the teens and twenties. If I left hear today and traveled 100 miles a week that would put me in Rapid City SD in mid June and that's when I want to get there. But I'll bet I'd do some shivering between here and there. It's been fine here until a little after noon each day but then it gets hotter than I care to be. Oh Well, I'll catch on to this full timeing stuff one of these days.
  8. Hey Dave what is the altitude at your place, The web says it's only 4741 at Bernardo but I understand your 8 miles up the hill. Went to the big metropolis of ARREY, NM today and got gas ($3.58 per) Then went to the Post Office to get my 1040 ES mailed and the Post mistress was out to lunch so I waited around for her and got it Certified and sent. This morning I took a 2 mile walk up hill to the road that goes across the Dam. I got a little warm but faired OK otherwise. It's 94 degrees right now and I'm HOT. If it keeps this up I may be heading north sooner than I had expected.
  9. Took a nice long walk this morning then sat around the rest of the day doing nothing. I'm getting very good at that. It got up to 91 today. No wonder I did nothing.
  10. I'm not so sure I like this new look. It's a little hard for me to read. I'm sure I'll get used to it someday. I went to Town today and got a few needed items and a few not so needed items. I should be set for the week at least. After returning to my Rig I pulled a Steve and had a nice long ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ then got up and went to a small restaurant in Arrey, NM about 4 mile south of here. I was much surprized it was very good. It has a fairly large menu of both American and Mexican dishes. I'll have to repeat on that place.
  11. Big project today. I made a spike stick to pick up cigarette butts with. Then I spent about an hour and a half picking up the cigarette butts around my camp site and the free space between me and the next site. Other than take my walk and sitting outside watching the world go by that was about it for the day. I'll go to Truth or Consequences tomorrow and see what trouble I can get myself into in there. I Need Cranberry Juice.
  12. I got up this morning and decided to move my rig down toward the center of activity in the campground. Maybe I'll get better neighbors this week end. I'm right across the street from the Campground Host. The wind behaved itself today so I got my carved egg sprayed and took a nice long walk down the river. When I go to town again I'm going to look for one of those grabbers that you can pick stuff up with or get things down from a high cupboard. I've decided I'd help clean up the campground as something to do. It might keep me out of trouble. Nah. Maybe it will become catching and give some other people the Idea that campgrounds are supposed to be kept clean. The grabber will keep me from having to bend over . That's what I don't do too well.
  13. Wow, The week end is over and am I glad. I had some high volume Car radio players that vibrated my trailer until a little after 10 PM last night but I got my revenge. This morning there truck wouldn't start the battery was stone dead. I could have offered my jumper cables and pulled my truck over there but I was having too much fun watching them to see how they handled it. They went to a friend's site and he came over but they didn't have any cables so the friend went back to his site. Finally they took the battery out of the boat and put it in the truck. Then I open a window so I could hear and they were saying that now they couldn't start the boat so they might as well pack up and leave. They were gone by 8:45. The bunch across the street who were also giving them compitition on the loud radio packed up and left but left all their trash scattered all over the place and the wind was blowing it all over the campground. The Host called the Range and the ranger pulled them over before the got out of the park and made them come back and police about half the campground. Needless to say I've been grinning like a chessy cat all day. I finished a chip carver Easter Egg (wooden) this morning that I started yesterday. Now all I got to do is spray it with clear enamal if this wind ever stops. I tried to send all the wind up to Dave but it didn't work. I got it moving toward the north but it just kept coming from the south so I think it was just coming through the campground then circling around and coming back for another pass,
  14. I drove into Truth or Consequences today to go the Wally World and get some groceries, Boy the town is scattered all over hells half acre. While I was there I decided to drive over to Elephant Butte St Parks to get familiar because that is where I'll be going next. Boy I'm glad I did that park is hard to find your way around in. I think I've got the non Electric sites located now but just for safety's sake I think I'll take one more dry run over there and gets some site numbers in mind.. It looks like that park will be even more windy than this one. The non-electric sites are all up on a high ridge with a beautiful view of the lake. There is primitice camping on the beach and another site below the dam. I might opt for one of those. This park is full of young Mexican families and boy do they like to play their radio loud. I'm about 250 ft. from one site and their music sound like a thunder storm inside my trailer while its all closed up. Quiet hour is 10 PM I only have 1 and a half hours to go.
  15. Well, I found the LP gas place this morning so I'm ready for more of those 30 some degree nights even if I don't like them. The guy on the motorcycle that talks too much got mad and left the park this morning so I guess I'll get a little piece for a while. It seem that he was mad because someone in a near by camp site played the radio all the time and he complained to the Ranger. The Ranger told him that as long as they didn't play it after ten at night he couldn't do a thing about it so He'd just have to put up with it. I walked past the place every day and I never did hear the radio playing. I hope you catch a big one Steve. You deserve it. I guess all the crossed fingers and toes helped out on the expense of the roof. I'll help by getting out the cranberry juice and celebrate for you.
  16. Wind was blowing a little too hard to be comfortable outside today. I took my walk this morning and felt like I needed to be rehydrated when I got back. 35 MPH wind and 12 % humidity is sure good for chap stick sales. Spent most of the day gabbing with one of my neighbors (a little more than I wished.)
  17. Great News Steve, I'm going to start partying now and keep it up till Apr 8th. You better get that Ice Cream Machine loaded up on Bessy Bus before you leave OK City.
  18. When I get there I want to park IN IT if the wind is still blowing. I went to the big town of Arrey and had breakfast this morning. For such a little hole in the wall restaurant it did a good job on the food. When I got back to the park I took a 2 mile walk. Now it's time to goof off the rest of the day.
  19. Was a little windy again today but not too bad, I did a lot of walking and took a short trip to Arrey to get some milk and flour tortillas for sandwiches. I sat inside most of the time I wasn't walking. It just wasn't comfortable sitting outside. I lost my next door neighbors. A young couple with 4 kids, Two vehicles, a jeep and a truck pulling a trailer with two 4 wheelers in it and another in the pickup box. They sat up 3 tents and tied tarps around the sun shelter to dampen the wind. Then took it all down today and went back to where every they came from. I seem to have a lot of talkers around here. People come in off the road and sit down and start yaking. I enjoy it but after an hour or two it gets to be boaring. I'm sure glad I'm not up on the hill with Dave. That's the kind of wind that makes me go elsewhere. I got into one like that up in the Badlands once. Driving down from Wall,SD I was hitting about 70 and the tumble weed were passing me like I was standing still.
  20. I pulled into Caballo St. Park, Riverside campground this morning about 11 AM. There are several campgrounds here. I'm sure glad I have a good solar system. All the electric sites were full with people driving around hoping someone would pull out so they could get the site. The Reservation sites were not very full at all most of them sat empty. The Developed non-electric sites were almost all empty. Maybe I'll get some neighbors before night fall. The stay limit here is 21 days so between here and Elephant Butte I should make it thru to may first. Then is should be a little safer to travel north. I think Dave sent his wind down here to welcome me. My slide topper is really popping. I just now rolled the slide in to keep it from getting blown off. There was very little wind on the road this morning though. A tent camper just pulled into the site beside me. He sat there for about 30 minutes then left. I guess the wind was a little too much for him. I don't blame him I'd have gone long before he did.
  21. Well I'm all hooked up and ready to head out in the morning for Truth or Consequenses. Dave is trying to scare me off with all that wind talk but I'm going to stay on lower ground for a while and hope I don't get blown back to Deming or farther south. (And I don;t speak Spanish) We are supposed to get some winds here tomorrow afternoon but I'll be long gone by then. I'll probably get it anyway at Caballo Lake. Oh well, that's part of the west where the wind blows free.
  22. Steve, You talk scarry. I sounded like you actually broke all the rules of full timing and worked. Jeri, You better check the weather in Zion, It's been snowing this week there. Oops, I said that word. Sorry folks Well I've got just about everything done I can get done for pulling out Monday morning. I've hooked up the hoses and dumped the tanks and refilled them about half way with rinse water. Then filled the Freshwater tank. Tomorrow I'll wait till evening and dump the tanks again and put away the hoses and hookup the truck. I hope I still remember how. Dave, are you trying to scare me off with all that talk about wind? I probably won't get that far north for about a month to six weeks so you better get a big wind break for me. No I didn't say break wind for me.
  23. Hey Terry Look over this way, I have both thumbs up for you. Way to go man. Steve: Just what the heck is a lawn Mower???????? Well I got my hair cut today and he did leave a few uncut. It was a new guy at Wally World and he didn't really know what he was doing. He had to keep asking the Gal there how to do this and that. It don't look too bad though and it will grow out faster than I really want it to. About all I have left to do now before moving out is take a bath, Fill the Fresh waster tank and empty the Black tank and hit the road. I have a lot of thing I have to take care of the 1st of April. I hope Truth or Consequences. NM has a wally world so I can fill a prescription. We've been having weather in the High 80's also but it cools to the low 40's each night and don't really get warm until noon each day.
  24. I sat around here holding my head this morning then decided to go walk around in Wally World just to have something to do. I bought a small folding table that is just right to set up outside when I want to carve. I spent the whole sum of $13.50 and wasted about 3 hours. When I got back I just had to try my new table out so I carved a while sitting in the shade. Works pretty good. I only have two days left to goof off then I'll be hitting the road and drifting north. I think I use tomorrow to get a hair cut. (maybe all of them)
  25. My new Expertise is forgetting to do things I'm supposed to do. I got up this morning and after the X cups of coffee and the inventory of my parts to see that they are still working. I filled my cereal bowl with Cheerios and sliced a banana on top of them then went to the frig and opened the door and remembered I used the last of the milk yesterday. So I put plastic wrap on the bowl with the cereal and bananas and took off for town to have breakfast at Denny's. I stopped at Wally World on my way home and got some milk so I could eat my cheerios for lunch instead. After Lunch I drove out to Rockhound State Park to get a New Mexico Park Pass. The park was full but I didn't want to stay anyway. When I head north Monday I'll be stopping in NM State Parks and plan on spending a month to six weeks in parks at the lower elevations to let it warm up a little farther north. The pass cost out of staters $225 and pays the bass fee and entrance fee to all state park camping for one year from the date of purchase. If I spend 6 weeks to two months or more in NM parks it will pay me back from $420 to $600 or more so it's a pretty good buy. I don't use the electric but if I do it will cost me $4 extra per day of electric use. When Dave tries to charge me for parking at his place I'll just whip out my NM parks pass on him. LOL
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