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Posts posted by 4Girls&aMan

  1. I think the FB group is a great idea! Thank you guys for getting it started.


    BTW, Sheri did a great job facilitating the RDBE meeting again this year. Thank you, Sheri!


    We are missing all of you ladies who are not able to attend this year and our prayers are especially focused on Jack and Danielle right now.



  2. Oh, Davena, I am so sorry to hear that you will not get to come this year! I had wondered if your sweet Mom was up for the long trip to KS.... Please tell her hello from all of us.


    We will miss you very much. Know that you are in our thoughts!




  3. Sharon, that's great news! Praying for your surgery on Friday.


    Alicia, looking forward to living vicariously through you and seeing the pics that you're getting this year.


    Janet, have been following your truck issues on the forum. I hope your get all of the wrinkles ironed out so you can proceed without concern.


    Donna, enjoyed meeting you too. So glad your internet solution is working for you!

  4. Ladies, so good to know what's going on with some of you!


    Alicia, I'm sure you're extra excited about your extended trip to YNP this year, since you've had such a busy work schedule. I hope you guys see lots of animals and get tons of great pics!


    Sharon, I have your surgery on my calendar and will pray that it goes well and that you find a way to recover without so much pain.


    Susan, it was so good to see you guys. Makes me miss our crowd - there sure are some great ladies associated with these crazy HDT men!


    Janet, DH and I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I have also been reading over his shoulder and hope that you guys figure out what's going on with your truck so you can head north with confidence. So glad you are enjoying St Mary's. We were there at the beginning of August and the Road to the Sun had just opened the last week of July. Crazy! I hope you get to see it later this year. Are you doing a lot of the hikes around there?


    We are doing well. We're headed out Friday to visit old friends where we lived for 10 years, so really looking forward to that.

  5. I drove from Raccoon Valley SKP Park in TN to MorRyde in Elkhart Indiana yesterday. It was a long drive but fortunately uneventful. [snip] I have enough headaches with carbon monoxide to add to them.




    Glad you made it in safely! You have certainly started off your full-time adventure with lots of excitement!


    Hope to see you down the road!

  6. Missing those of you who aren't here at the ECR!! Donna and Carl have done a wonderful job this year and we are enjoying the fruit of their labors.


    Lots of absent RDBErs names kept coming up at the RDBE meeting today.... Know that you are missed....


    Alicia, know you'll enjoy that trip in May. Glad you're back home for a bit.

  7. Greetings, Ladies -


    Wanted to give you the latest on DH's Mom. She has had extra struggles over this past month, but she had a wonderful week this past week. She went to her bone doctor and he took her arm cast off and told her she could take off the back/body brace! That leaves her with a temporary splint on her arm and her neck brace. So she is healing well and is doing quite well considering all that she's been through.


    On the home front, I told DH last week that I have itchy wheel syndrome and realized that the ECR is now just one week away! It will be nice to untether Behemoth and get on the road again.


    So, who all is coming??

  8. Well, ladies (and any lurking gentlemen B) ), Robert's Mom is officially home! He said she looks good and survived the move quite well.


    Sharon, will continue to pray for your uncle. That does not sound good....


    Thanks again to all for your prayers and concern.




    PS Susan, we had lady finger popcorn popped in bacon grease for lunch - yummy! I found a shop that sells some of your fancy popcorn and have really been enjoying it. So glad to have been introduced to such a concept. It's delicious!

  9. Robert's Mom goes home tomorrow! She is doing SO much better than she was even a week ago. Yesterday she sat up for 4 hours in a row and fed herself supper and ate about a cup of food. She seems to be less exhausted after small exertions, so she is recovering slowly, but steadily!


    I also had some excitement last week. Robert let me drive the 3 hours one way to go be with my parents, as Dad was having surgery. It went well and they said he did not need intervention and that his heart looks good, so that was a relief to my Mom and to all of us.


    If you will, please pray that Sallye gets moved home safely tomorrow and that it does not totally exhaust her. R's sister will stay with R's parents for at least another week. Also, her two little ones went home to be with their Dad, so our days of having 6 children have come to an end.


    Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words. They are greatly appreciated!



  10. HI all - Sallye is improving slowly. She did another 25 steps in physical therapy. Robert met both the physical and occupational therapists today and they are taking a very wise approach with her. We are impressed with them. Sallye also ate well again at breakfast and supper. Yea!


    I'll not post again until something monumental happens. If anyone wants to follow along, I am posting daily on FB so the extended family and friends can keep up with her progress.


    Thank you all again for your concern. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

  11. Well, R says his Mom ate a reasonable amount for supper tonight! By reasonable, I mean less than a cup of food, but that's more than she's eaten for the past week. She slept well last night. Her two physical therapy sessions wore her out and she said she was ready to go to sleep at 8 tonight. She is doing alright and they are working intensively with her.


    R is doing well. He will get the morning off and will get to spend it with us, so I am really happy about that.


    Please keep up the prayers - she needs them and they are working!



  12. R's Mom was very tired today due to last evening's move across town and then not sleeping well. The therapists did mental work today with her. Not sure when they will start the physical regime.


    Concerns are still that she will eat a real amount of food and regain her strength.


    Thank you all so much for your encouragement and concern!



  13. Well, we survived another day of 6 children. :D I am amazed at how God is working out the timing each day. We had to take DD2 to a podiatrist for an issue that has been a reoccurring one and we needed to find out what was the cause. Got out of the appt late and drove to the hospital to pick up our nieces and R's sister had just arrived. The timing was perfect. Things like that happened throughout the day.


    Amazingly the kids all got along pretty well again today - did I mention the high was 32? And - for lack of a better name - Spitfire, our 2 year old niece, has taken a special liking to Robert. If she gets a boo boo, she won't come to anyone but him, etc. It's hilarious.


    On to the news of the day, my MIL was moved from ICU in one hospital to a rehabilitation facility across town. She is continuing to improve slowly each day. She walked again today. The physical therapy will really ramp up now. She is still so weak and not breathing very deeply, so those are still real concerns.


    Tomorrow morning we will move the house across town to a campground that is only 10 minutes from the rehab facility. Aren't wheels grand??


    Oh yes, R's Dad got a good report from his doctor this week, so that is wonderful.


    Thank you all again for your concern.



  14. Ha! You guys are funny! I think there is an RDBE rule that guys can post once - as long as the subject matter is a woman. :lol:


    Thank you all for your concern. It is nice know that we are not walking this alone.


    R's Mom is continuing to hang in there. She practiced walking again today and they are having her sit up in a chair type thing twice a day. They say her sitting up will help her lungs inflate more easily and help get rid of the fluid that has built up.


    R is pretty exhausted. He is burning his candle at both ends - dumping tanks, etc in the morning, nursing his Mom all day, etc. Will try to find a way to get him more sleep....


    Please continue to keep R's Mom in your prayers. She is such a sweetie - it's hard to see her having to go through this.



  15. Okay, I was wrong. It was 6 kids and a high of 29. Brr! The day went quite smoothly. Amazingly two 2 year olds shared toys, the moon was repaired, the queens maid in waiting was enjoying her job, Saturn is doing well, etc, etc. We were NOT bored today! :rolleyes:


    R spent the morning and evening with his Mom. She made over 40 steps today AND sat up for 2 hours!


    Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers.



  16. DH's Mom is progressing slowly. She took three steps forward - literally - today, so that is amazing.


    She really needs to be able to breathe more deeply so her oxygen levels are at a reasonable level, so that is the prayer request for the day.


    Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers.


    BTW, we will have 6 kids tomorrow. Did I mention 400 sq ft and 39 degrees for the high? Please pray for grace and camaraderie.




  17. Thank you all so much for your concern and your prayers. They are being felt. We are in the Memphis area.


    DH's Dad is doing much better with his pain levels, as is DH's Mom. So far they are not talking surgery for any of her breaks - she is in a neck brace and a back brace and has a cast on her one arm. She was doing much better this afternoon (after taking her meds more regularly :huh:). DH seems to be doing well and his siblings are settling down and feeling more at ease.


    I will probably need to help take care of my SIL's two little ones on and off for a while here, so you can pray that I have the grace to do that.


    Thanks again for your concern.



  18. Hi all. We made an emergency run and got in at 1:30 AM yesterday. Had to boondock in the driveway of the campground, as we didn't think they would want us parking this thing at that hour!


    DH's Mom and Dad were in a very bad car accident. His Dad got a nasty cut on the head and banged up. His Mom is in critical condition in ICU. They are finding new breaks every time they make an image. She is in a lot of pain, but they think they stopped the internal bleeding. So far they've found seven broken ribs, three broken vertebrae, a fractured elbow, and a broken pelvis.


    Any prayers would surely be appreciated.


    Thanks, ladies.



  19. For other ladies out there - I have a question. The rv fridges have the "restraining bars" that hole things from sliding off the shelves. How do you keep things from sliding around with residential fridges? So far no luck in finding one that fits the Dometic hole in the cabinet. Don't want to go larger because I'd loose valuable pantry space, and that's not a good trade for our lifestyle. Hoping that I can still find one. So far, they're either the right height and too narrow, or the right width and too tall. Bugger! If I can find one, I'll post what it is in case there's someone else out there who would like to do what we're doing at some point in time...


    Sharon, have you checked out http://www.ajmadison.com? Jack recommended them when we were picking out appliances. They let you search by size and I loved that. BTW, my Dometic had no restraint bars, only the lock mechanism on the door, so I still had to be careful every time we opened it after travel.


    With the residential one, I am thinking that clear tubs or something would help. I hate to have to store tension rods and remember to put them in. Marsha installed a door lock that is unobtrusive, so I am happy about that (since the residential doors have no lock mechanism whatsoever and come open when we drive down the road).


    Hope you find one that fits your existing hole so you don't need to do much remodeling.

  20. Steve and Gail, thank you guys SO much for all of your work and thoughtfulness. We appreciate your efforts so much! The rally was a lot of fun, even seeing it horizontally. ;)


    Ruth, good to meet you guys,


    Sharon, if you put up those bars, you miss part of the adventure. Like today, we pulled in to our Walmart campground and a couple pulled up and started talking to us. As we finished showing them the house, I opened the fridge (part way - I'm learning) and 4 things fell out, not the least of these was the bowl of corn. Juice everywhere! It's always a surprise, but the baked beans sideways was the worst and that was before we got the fridge restraint, so we had been driving with the door partly open and sticky juice spilling out. As I said, it would take part of the fun of setting up away!

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