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Everything posted by ed6713

  1. Time to buy is my personal opinion. My personal opinion was clearly was not in the CNN article you questioned. ed
  2. The CNN article was a simple statement of fact not investment advice. Are you suggesting that CNN fabricated the numbers for January and that they are false? If so, can you present your proof? Thank you: ed
  3. Time to buy. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- January offered up an apology to discouraged investors. Unlike 2011, when markets spiked and sunk several hundred points each day but ultimately closed out the year relatively flat, all three indexes mostly climbed higher throughout the month with occasional dips. The Nasdaq climbed 8% in January and the S&P 500 and Dow each added 3.4% and 4.4%. Absent, so far in 2012, are the heart wrenching daily drops and pops in stocks. Even with a choppy trading day Tuesday, it was the best January for the S&P and Dow since 1997 and since 2001 for the Nasdaq.
  4. Gloom, despair & agony on me... http://money.cnn.com...ypse/?iid=HP_LN Then again, come December 21, 2012, it's all over but the shouting. The Mayan Prophesy is upon us!! So who really cares what happens after that? ed What, me worry?
  5. Not obvious to me. Here are my two personal favorite investments for times like this: PRPFX Year-to-date: +6.96% VDC: Year-to-date: +7.40% I'm sure not setting the world on fire, but sure beats stuffing the cash under the mattress. Ed
  6. Don't know. It would seem the world of investors doesn't think Armageddon is at hand. Perhaps the tens of millions of investors that make up the worlds stock markets,believe the problems, very significant problems I might add, are manageable, and that by this time next year, most of the economic problems will have been dealt with. The roller coaster rides are surely not behind us for the next 8-12 months but if you are a long term investor, as I am, these big swings are nothing to be concerned about and, in fact, might just make good buying opportunities. I don't much care about tomorrows market gyrations because I truly believe that all these economic problems can be solved. Plus over the long haul, there are very few options to the stock market for rate of return. Besides, I made a few good moves when the DOW was about 11,000 so I'm playing with "found" money. If it dips that low again, no loss to me. I'll just hang in there until the DOW hits 13,000 once again. When? My guess is by mid 2013. Ed. The optimist
  7. I'm cheering and very glad I'm "all in". "The Dow is up 12% in October, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq have surged more than 13%. The gains are the best since January 1987 for the Dow, since October 1974 for the S&P 500, and since October 2002 for the Nasdaq. For the week, all three indexes ended up more than 3.5%, as investors pumped more money into stock mutual funds than bond funds for the first time since mid-September, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch research. All three indexes are also in positive territory for the year. The Dow is up more than 5%, the S&P 500 is 2% higher and the Nasdaq has climbed 3%." ed
  8. Investing in the stock market has always depended on your time frame. If you put your yearly living expense money in the market, shame on you. You deserve all your losses and heartaches. I have no current needs for any money invested in the stock market. My personal investing horizon is 10 to 20 years out. A well balanced portfolio is a good place for me to be. Here is a mutual fund that I've had very good luck with over the years. Nice conservative asset allocation fund. Good for times just like this. PRPFX http://www.google.com/finance?q=MUTF:PRPFX In spite of all the recent gyrations, it's still up 6.79% YTD. Nope. Not in the investment racket. Just a personal choice based on my research.
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