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  1. Not quite....I think we're ALL aware how ATMs work but I bet few have a clue what Google Voice is! It's comes off more like the guy sending you HIS PIN and you just text it back....what could be the harm?! Point is GV is totally unnecessary. If you have a modern cellphone and internet connection you can easily set up wifi calling safe and securely via your phone provider. The way it works is the scammer shows serious interest in an item you're selling on CL. They will ask the right questions and says they want it and will meet AFTER they make sure you're legit and will text you a number and please text that number back to him. Seems very innocent! How could texting a number back to someone get you in any trouble?! This isn't a secret number you have for ATMs or other secure purposes in fact it appears like the scammer initiated it! Let's concede you're smarter than this but recall how stupid the average American is and then realize half are dumber than that! As we age and are tired or stressed we become more susceptible to confidence schemes. I think ALL victims of such crimes see the obvious scam in retrospect but acknowledge how easy it is to fall for....
  2. Those are EXACTLY what Google Voice does! It's just another avenue. I sell often on Craigslist and almost every time I get a "buyer" wanting to "verify" by texting a number which they plug into Google Voice. If I have your phone number and trick you into accepting a text and giving me the code I can now make Google Voice calls with your number. Very simple and very common. Not doubting your information as there are many ways to skin a cat but bottom line is Google facilitates one of the more common means
  3. Except this time...it was a voicemail message!
  4. MOST if not ALL of the responsibility for this is Google! The program Google Voice is an EASY way to pirate phone numbers. Ever been selling on say Craigslist and an earnest buyer wants to "verify" you by sending a number text they want you to tell them? Seem innocuous BUT they use this to snag your phone number for Google calls and VERY difficult to retrieve ownership. Your experience wont change but the scammer will be able to use the number for calls. This is why the scammers from India etc always have a local phone number! Absolutely NO reason for this to exists with all the problems and fraud in facilitates! if Google shut it down most scam calls would vanish. I am shocked there has not been a multi $Billion suit against Google for facilitating fraud this way!
  5. I received mine via voicemail. Hard to ignore ALL phone calls. About half unknown numbers are not scams but business related. As I said they are usually obvious but this one was slick! Knew more than my phone number. Usually they scammers have a distinct accent but this one was all business American! So be careful out there!
  6. Great news! I can't find official word of this though... Thanks!
  7. Howdy, I just completed my on my 2019 Toyota Tundra vehicle inspection. The shop said that's it! No more inspections required when I said see ya next year.... But looking online says 2-24 years old... YES you do! Seems like a guy in the business would have a better grip on it or maybe the state website not updated.... Anyone know the facts? Thanks!
  8. Wow! Myu phone was in the truck so just got the voice message. I have a 760 phone number but have not been in San Diego area for over 10 years, plus my conscious is clear and I've done nothing that could even remotely get me in trouble. It specifically mentioned Polk county though! Some research revealed a jury scam scam was going around. Following quote from Polk county clerk: " Beware of Jury Scams! Scammers often use jury service as the target of their scams. They use fraudulent phone calls, emails, or mail to inform people of a failure to appear for jury duty or that they need to verify their signature. Scammers can be very convincing and may pretend to be calling from the Clerk’s office, Sheriff’s office, Judges’ offices, or other official organizations. We NEVER share jurors’ personal information, and our office does not call or email jurors to ask for personal information or any form of payment, especially via a prepaid debit card. If you receive a suspicious call or email, please contact our office.
  9. Hi, I got a voicemail about a "pending civil complaint" to be filed in Polk Co. Had my Escapees address and phone number. Pretty sure a scam as the phone numbers don't answer and internet search brings up nothing. Called from an 858 area code and 877 number from message doesn't work. A pretty good scam though! Lady sounded professional and not your typical scam artists voice. Ended the message with "you have been served" as-if a voicemail is a legal way to subpoena you! Anyone else get one of these calls? Careful out there! You know the drill for legal issues, it'll be in the mail so don't get tricked and give out anything on the phone or email!
  10. While I 100% agree it could be bad china made parts the fact the Boondocker was fine for 4 years and THEN the WFCO popped the same way suggests an electrical problem. Of course it happens when I'm on the road and next stop pretty far from a big city with lots of repair options. I thought my DEKA AGM batteries were on their last legs and getting ready to replace but they are doing all I ask of them using solar to charge. I also have a high quality battery charger. Forget brand as it's packed but I could leave that on the batteries for night time and go about business as usual. Any problem with approach? I can't seem to find a mobile RV tech that specializes in RV electrical in Tucson. Most seemed to only have ~5 years experience. Anyone know of one in Tucson or Yuma where I'll be next? I know a good rv tech where I summer in New Mexico so may have to wait till June to see him. Thanks!
  11. 2019 50 amp Airstream Flying Cloud. After having a Boondocker 65 amp convertor installed for 4 years the other blew the capacitor. I had a spare converter , WFCO, and swapped them out and the other blew immediately! They exploded popping the tops open and were smoking! I had an RV electrician over and he and I checked everything we could think of aside from a small section of buried wires on the DC side. The AC input was in perfect working order! I have a high quality Progressive Industries surge protector EMS device and it registered no surges or power spikes of any kind. It was blowing the breaker but I was able to reset as I didn't know what it was. After second reset I opened the compartment and and the converter was smoking...only damage anywhere is the cap! At $250 a pop I'm hesitant to install another converter until I can pinpoint exactly what does this and confirm what ever happened before has been fixed by us tightening all the connections. Frustrating as all systems are 100% fine but obviously not.... Is there some sort of common cause for such a thing? Baffling! Thanks!
  12. Hey look at this! Maybe rig to drop in the filler tube.... https://playitkoi.com/products/copy-of-periha-uv-b-series-drop-in-submersible-uv-clarifiers?variant=40659366969414&dfw_tracker=122155-shopify_US_7145562832966_40659366969414&cmp_id=17331961830&adg_id=&kwd=&device=c&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=17331961830&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhc-sBhCEARIsAOVwHuQJeG__nS4qj3T5tvf9h3GcFe3sqzGgFq-ZCtjyarjgP34x9X1g1GMaAqISEALw_wcB
  13. Yes and if you've been around a lake shore in summer you'll find all the nasties growing in the warmer shallows not the deeper water. Not a perfect analogy but there's less surface exposed to air/full tank water than near empty tank. We just need a big ol' UV light in the FW tanks! That would solve it! But how do you change the bulb?
  14. Since we're still rolling here... How about the opposite issue of an "empty" tank? No way to get it 100% dry and IME grunge likes damp more than wet; more exposure to air. As bad as a full tank can get I like my odds of sanitizing 100% better than a dried out gradoaster encrusted tank This is why i always tend on having a full tank instead of empty or even half empty for too long. Am I right?
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