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Posts posted by mskay

  1. You are moving quickly. We are in Wallace, Mt until Monday, then heading to Glacier NP. How close are you going to be to Wallace, Mt. on your route? If close, give me a call and maybe we can get together for lunch or just visit. 678 315-7716


    Jerry and Janice

    I envy you guys! Glacier is one of my favorite places and I'm really missing that this summer. Guess maybe it's because I've been close to heat stroke for months! lol Montana is my favorite summer state! Have a great time and drink in all that beauty. Travel safe!

  2. Aren't we full-timers just the luckiest when it comes to power outages. We are used to it.


    Kay, we will definitely see you in Arizona, just can't say when. We probably won't do much moving around this year but we will base ourselves in Arizona.


    See y'all


    Good deal....we will be there. I think we will do like we did last year. It's another down year, so we won't run around muchg either. Just day trips and hang out with friends. ;)

  3. The storm has finally reached us here in upstate New York. It has been raining all night and now at 12:30 pm the wind is starting to pick up and we are without power at the campground. Went up this morning and opened the store but once we lost power shut it down again. Lucky I don't have far to go. We had one tree branch down, but luckly it didn't hit anything.


    Hopefully it won't last to much longer. We will be spending most of the winter in Texas. Not making the trip west this year...to expensive with the fuel. May use our TT membership at one of the encore parks in Rio Grande area. Hope to see some of you there.

    Glad you're safe. How's the flooding? I have The City on and Cuomo is saying power could be off 2 to 6 days. Are you still without power? Hope that isn't the case where you are. I think it downgraded and didn't get as bad as they thought, however the pictures of the water in the streets, trees down and other damage is pretty aweful. Hope you get back to normal soon. We are watching clouds this afternoon and waiting for a rain. Dan is out on the lake with the neighbor. Hope they get off before it gets here! Take care. Sorry we won't see you this winter. We will trek back to AZ the end of Sept.

  4. And here I was going to trade my rig in because it didn't have a fire place. Yep Mom tried to teach me right but I was just one of those kids that had to find out about everything myself.


    I don't think I did much damage to my hip yesterday. I've been able to control the pain just buy taking frequent rest and one pain pill in the morning to get me going and get breakfast and such. I'm all hooked up again and tomorrow morning I'll pull out and head for Deming, NM. My plan is to try and get an appointment with the VA Clinic up in Silver City and If I can't get an appointment there try the orthopedic clinic in Deming. If I manage to get into the VA clinic at Silver City fairly soon. I'll move up there to get the treatments then move back to Deming to re shuffle my life and get it back on track. Play safe don't go out into the street. (and don't bail out of your rig head first.)

    Well,not planning on playing in the street today. I've already tried that bailing out of the rig...and that one caused me about 8 weeks of pain! I took a header in AZ last year and only hurt for about a week. Think my pride hurt worse, some guys sitting across the street saw me do it! Hope you get right in to the clinic and get some more relief than what you have now. It's sure no fun to hurt! So, see? I do what I'm told, most of the time and just trying to stay ahead of being bored to death today. Hitch itch is kicking in, Goofy fishing and golfing up a storm. I've been doing some arm chair shopping that's bound to get me in trouble...especially when I am looking at Suburbans! Have a great Sunday.

  5. If there is a male counterpart to Calamity Jane. I must be it. Today I was lying on the bed and it started to rain. I remembered that I had left the windows down in the truck so I jumped up and ran out to close the windows. When I got to the truck I found that I didn't have the keys. So I ran back to the trailer and found them where they had come out of my pocket while I was lying down. I started back to the truck but when I went down the stairs I slipped and fell and lit in a mud puddle on my sore hip. And I was just getting it back to normal with exercises. I don't think I hurt it too much more but it is a little more tender than it was. And, I had just put the clothes away from doing the laundry and now the laundry hamper is full of muddy clothes where I fell in the mud puddle. I can't win for loosing. I just cant imagine Steve getting crabby but as Joe says "You are what you eat" Thing I'll have a some mixed NUTS and take a Steve.

    Sounds like you're not gonna give up til ya Break yer Butt! So sorry! I'll bet you won't do that again! At least you haven't lost your sense of humor!Take care and good for you that you're doing the exercises.

  6. IYQ, take care. Back trouble is no fun. And you know there is no way on earth that this bunch is gonna play nice. :P


    Steve, glad to hear you guys are settled in over on the other side of the water. My Spies told me you weren't gonna get into Flagler though. :lol: Careful on how many of those Crab you eat, remember YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. :blink:




    Hey there! I always play nice!!!!! :P

  7. OK,"pops" we'll promise to keep it clean. But don't stay away too long as we have a hard time remembering what we were supposed to "stop doing"! :lol:


    Had quite a busy day today. Got up early as we are next to Ft. Flagler at Smitty's RV park. Today was the day we had to take my brother's boat from Seattle to Ft. Flagler. I had to go back to Seattle to ride with him on the boat to be able to help him through the locks. That meant that Carol had to drive me to the ferry dock in Kingston at 7:55 to allow me to walk on the ferry. We didn't get an early enough start, and we were pulling into the ferry dock at 7:55 and I didn't think I would make it. When I actually did get to the ferry before it left, the attendant said "what's the rush, you had a couple of minutes to spare". :unsure: Anyway I made it and they had a fine apple fritter and coffee on the ferry, so all was fine in the end. We took his boat through the locks and it took us about 4 1/2 hours to get to Flagler. Nice day out there, and smooth seas. We put out 4 crab pots when we got there and checked them in a couple of hours and limited out. Then we took them to the bus, cooked em and had them with corn on the cob. Butter was slinging everywhere :rolleyes: . Went back to his boat for a nightcap, and watch the sun go down, and were filled with the thoughts that "this is the way to live"! Now I'm exhausted, so I'm going to "pull a Steve", nite all!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    so glad you guys are getting to do all this stuff! You're missin out on what is left of the 100s! We'll be headed to C. Spgs in a few days!

  8. In preparation for the coming of Irene, we have put everything away and we will pull in our slides and take down the satelite. We have evacuation plans for the campers should they be needed. We will make that determination tomorrow by noon. They are expecting some wind, maybe 40 to 50 mph but what we are really concerned about is the rain. They are saying we could get 7 or more inches of rain. That would really make our river rise. :(


    If we really get that much rain, we can only hope that the rest of the week is dry so it will recede. If not we may be canceling a lot of our Labor Day campers. If that happens our work season may come to an abrubt end. :D


    Kim said only VA could have an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week!!!

    Have really been wondering about you today! I have the New York Stations, so watching the latest updates on there. I hope you guys can stay safe and have an evacuation route all ready. Don't think the rig would float too well! Take care and we are thinking and praying for everyone there! :}

  9. starting our long ride today. headed to fairbanks, then haines then catch the ferry to skagway then down to somewheres maybe montana. depending on weather we head east or soutn from there. car is loaded, atv is loaded , in other words we are overloaded, no room for a dang boat .......... jeez..

    hope to meet upo with some of you


    mike and deb

    please travel safely, and we hope to meet you too! Just don't head for the East Coast! We hope to experience your Alaska one of these days.

  10. Not much to report tonight. I've been a little sore all day so I spent almost the whole day lying in bed. One more calamity, I've either been locked out or forgot my password for my bank account. It's been working for me. Getting old is not only a pain in the butt but it rough. I found the exercise program for low back pain on the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons web site. So, I've started my own Physical Therapy program.

    Well, while wonderful news that it's not your spine or hips....it may be the muscles around that area and spasms...You know I live with the master of the back problems! Knock on wood, we've had a good year without much down time because of it! Now I watch Regis and Kelly and Regis last year had a horrible time with the "Soreass" muscle in his Glutemus Maximus! While you're researching things....keep that in mind. He is very active and plays tennis and injured it. Regis turned 80 today! Hope you can find exercises that will help as you have always walked and been active. Might just need a rest!

  11. I tried to get into all the Orthopedic clinics this morning but no dice. The earliest any of them would give me an appointment was the end of September. So, I went to an Urgent Care Clinic and was seen right away. They X-rayed my spine and hip. The Doctor said my spine was in excelent contition especially for my age. She saw a little Arthuritis in my hip but really not very much. She told me to stay completely away form NSAID pain killers like Ibuprofen and Aleve because they are very hard on the kidneys and I've had one removed so with only one kidney left I'm especially at risk of kidney failure. She gave me a prescription for a Nerve Relaxer and a pain reliever that does not get processed by the kidney. She also referred me to a Physical Therapy clinic for the arthuritis, Hip and lower back. She specified for Home Care training and ask if I could stay near the area for a while to make sure every things works as planned. It takes a while for the Nerve meds to build up in my system so I'm in a bit of pain now but I have high hopes.


    I'm glad you got in somewhere. I didn't think about NSaids and Kidney stuff...but soooo true, and you would have been taking a lot....good thing you didn't. HOpe the PT goes well. I used to always go to PT for my back and it really helped. Thoughts are with ya, hang in and Do what you can, and might as well rest while ya have to stay there!

  12. tonight finds me in Las Cruces, NM and I made the 294 mile jaunt without a bit of pain. I was a little sore when I first woke up because I'd been nearly 12 hours without any Ibuprofen. I took two and layed back down for about 15 minutes to let them get a start. Then got up took my trash to the dumpster and rolled in the electric cord and raised the tongue jack and took off. I had planned on stopping near Socorro which is half way if I was feeling bad but I felt fine and kept right on going. I gave Dave C. a yell as I went by the Tourist Trap and we talked for about 30 miles. I told him to run outside a wave at me as I went by but he was too busy talking. I may not have seen him from 8 miles away so I'll let him off the hook. I've looked in the phone book and there is every kind of doctor you can think of in this town. So, I shouldn't have much trouble getting in to see one of them. Have fun kids and don't fight.


    So glad you had an easy day. That's quite a lot of miles! Hope you have good luck finding a doctor and getting some answers. Let us know how you get along. :} We'll try to behave, but it's aweful hard without you keeping everyone in line!!!

  13. Guess I won't be going to Wally World and buying Aleve. Sure hope you can make the drive okay tomorrow. Glad you got the stuff put away before the thunder boomers came to visit. Jim finally got the macerator installed today and also his battery box. We're making head way which is a good thing since we leave on Wednesday. I'm so excited. Hope I remember how to get ready to pull out.


    It's just like riding a bike! You just will have a few different ways to do it now~! We have sat for about 1 1/2 months...longer than intended and will be another couple weeks til we depart this area. Decided now to stay until just after Labor Day and forgo the last vacation weekend. Have safe journey and enjoy that new rig!

  14. Well I went to Wally World and got the Aleve this morning and while I was at it, I had breakfast at Denny's. I opened the bottle and took a peek inside. There were 100 BLUE pills. Now, I've heard about those BLUE pills and with the shape my back and hip are in I just don't know if I should be messing with BLUE pills. Steve said he took them all the time and followed them with an aspirin. But he has that sawed off shot gun. I don't have anything protecting me except my Cowboy hat. Gee, decisions, decisions, decisions. Oh Well, What the heck. Gulp. Hey they work and it last for 12 hours. Wow! But I don't think I can last for 12 hours at anything. Hey folks were talking about pain relievers but the facts are still out. I've only taken them twice. The first dose did last for a long time but I've decided on an 8 hour schedule instead of a 12 hour schedule. It will take a day or two to see if they take away enough of the pain to be better than the Ibuprofen which I was only getting about 3 1/2 hours relief from. I do like the fact that I'm not having to take them so often. With the Ibuprofen I couldn't completely get ride of the pain and still stay withing the recommended maximum doseage. With the Aleve I am taking the exact recommended maximum dosage and it seems to work but does not completely take the pain away for more than 6 hours when it starts creeping back. I'll give you another report when the level of pain releiver in my system has a chance to level out. There Sandie, that's your first report. I hope Jim gets a kick out of it and some lasting relief.

    The only thing to watch for with those is stomach bleeding....and if yer taking aspirin too...yer blood could get pretty thin! That's good for inflamation...I hope it takes enough of the pain away to get ya some relief so you can at least rest. Back pain is terrible. We knew you were a pain in the Butt! All we want is for you to get better! Probably would be a good idea to get checked out. They may give ya muscle relaxers too and it would be a great idea at that point not to have to drive! Please take care...and hope you get down there where there's someone to help ya do stuff if ya need something. Let us know how you are! Take care and try to rest!Lots of times, that's all that helps Danny. Time and rest.

  15. Aug 3 Still in Belleville, KS. Had to stay one more day. Then back to our plan to stop overnight between here and Cheyenne, WY, before staying in Cheyenne for several days.


    I will be so glad to leave KS because it is getting just too expensive! Lets see: RV rapairs in Chanute (not of our making) $$$, got a flat tire in the Chanute city campground $$$, brake pad wore out just as we got to Belleville $$$. Thank goodness the tiny town had an auto shop and they fit us in. We did get to spend another day at this nice fair! We are so close to the NE border so will be glad to cross it!



    Yep NE is a pretty good place! We're still holding on here in Alma NE. We have finally got a break from the extreme heat and only got in the mid 80s today. Somehow, Kansas always costs us too. A couple years ago I spent about 5,000before I got out of there! Broken Shocks and new tires to show for it though so at least I didn't leave there empty handed! We got a nice rain...an inch 30 last night. We think maybe more tonight. Hope you enjoy NE We enjoy it here at the Harlan County Reservoir area.

  16. Just had one of the best week-ends. Steve and Carol showed up Saturday morning and we directed them to Cabela's for camping. The parks in this area are outrageously expensive. Just ridiculous. We got to take them on a tour of the city, went to Johnny Carina's for dinner. Sunday we took them out to Pompey's Pillar. Not really the place to be on the hottest day of the year but still had a great time. Then last night we went to see Crazy, Stupid Love. It was surprisingly a very good, funny movie.


    Thank you Steve and Carol for making my life so much more exciting and interesting this week-end. This sitting in the drive way is really starting to get to me.


    I agree! I'm not in a driveway, but as we speak I'm looking at a map of New Mexico...getting some ideas of where we'll stop there...when we move!After Colorado, of course. One more set of visitations for Grand kids after here. Steve and Carol are really a lot of fun! Before the New Mexico map, I stared at some Montana pictures, wishing I was there! Lots of dreams and wishes at this point, now just a countdown to the 15th, and another day of 100 degrees. :( We've also been to Pompey's Pillar and drove up and down that highway. Great area!

  17. Steve - where are you guys headed from the Black Hills?


    For those of you who don't read my blogs - our news is: we now have a truck and fifth wheel (again). Haven't moved into it yet, it needs new shoes which it will get tomorrow. Then we need to get the motohome sold. That's what happens when you sit in one spot way too long.

    Congrats on your big changes! I am also in the research stages of our next "Big Move" which may be downsizing as well. I am sure that some of the places that I want to go is really not friendly to this big rig and I won't enjoy the travel and the stress of every little thing going wrong with this one. Hope you get all your "beginning bugs" worked out of the rig, and the new details completed soon...there's always a getting used to period with all new things. Less stress is always better! Good luck with your new home!

  18. The guy that is going to work on my trailer finally got here this morning. About all I learned is he hasn't ordered the parts yet because he came to measure again. He Swears it will be done by Thrusday so I hope so. After he left I went to town to get an LP gas bottle filled. I'm surprised I found it right away. The traffic in this town is murder. And their are so many of those places where you can't get to there from here. I don't think I could stand to live here full time. It's a mess. I had planned on going out to play tourist this afternoon but before I got gone a Thunder boomer wandered in and it's nearly 6 PM now and it's still booming out there. There wasn't a whole lot of rain with it but enough to keep the trees from being thirsty. I had planned on taking the COG Railway to the top of Pikes Peak but I was talking to a man who had a bunch of things taken from his truck while it was parked when he took the train last year. I think I'll drive up now cause I've got a bunch of stuff in the back of mine. They say there are many places to pull off the road and take pictures or whatever. And as far as going to the summit. It doesn't thrill me that much. Pikes Peak isn't that much of a mountain. There are 30 peaks in Colorado that are higher than Pikes Peak. They just don't have a train running around on their summits.

    I know that traffic in the Springs is a mess..but believe it or not, Foofy girl has mastered that and learned her way around! As for Goofy driving the coach, pulling the Suburban, I think at times we have more guts than brains! But now we've been there enough that we just take the same route to the same places. I never thought about getting things stolen down at the Cog Depot. It's a pretty good part of town. But we always have everything locked up, so if ya don't go I don't blame ya. That town is pretty crazy. It's quite a ways from where you're staying too. We had a storm yesterday and were blessed with about 1/2 inch. Not so hot, just the mid 90s. Almost need a jacket! I sure hope the heat is gone by the time I get there around the 15th~!

  19. We are not planning a trip to the west coast this winter. We will be staying most of the winter in Texas (want to try some of the TT parks there) We may also spend some time on the gulf in Biloxi. May head to Florida if I can find a cheap spot near Red Sox spring training in Vero Beach. Not sure yet. I know that we are coming back here to NY next summer. Hoping my brother will make it over here next summer.


    Well, we'll miss you guys! Guess Danny will have to keep the Golf Courses warmed up by himself! We did all the south and southeast this summer! I didn't find a spot that I think would be a Winter Destination for us. We did quite a swing of states and experienced lots of 100 degree days!Still doing that and might as well be in Yuma! Temps just about the same, only more humidity here. Travel safe and enjoy! You guys are more used to spending cold winters in your rig...sorry, I'm too foofy!

  20. See Jim and Jill, I told you the whole bunch were Escapee's from the nut farm. But they are the best bunch of nuts I've ever been a part of. I didn't do much today. I sat around waiting for a phone call from the guy who is going to put window awnings on my trailer. He finally called about 5 PM. He said he'd be out Sunday to get a deposit on the awning order. So I'll probably do nothing but sit around on Sunday also. I'm hoping I can play like a tourist Monday and Tuesday. I think I'll ride up Pikes peak on the Clog Train. (I wonder how many Clogs they tote up that mountain?) I also want to drive around the Garden of the Gods. I think I might also drive up Pikes peak on the other side of the mountain just for something to do. There are a thousand thing around here to do but most of them are tourist traps. Dave should come up here and get some Ideas for his tourist trap. He might even trap Steve to come down there and bring the Ice Cream Machine with him.


    Arizona. I'll be spending the winter at the Slabs again but if we have an Arizona Reunion I'll be there. Now let's see, Ed and Linda can cook spagetti, Jeri can cook a nice big steak, Jill can make some K-babs. Joe can bring the cranberry Juice. Jim and Sandie can order Pizza for all of us, Hummmm I think that will keep me happy and coming to the reunions.

    Well, glad to see you are enjoying the Co Springs Area! Garden of the Gods is a great place for a Walk! Be sure and notice the "Kissin' Camels" rock formation on the way up there. It's the COG Railway! Leaves out of Manitou Springs. You can see lots of wildlife,depending on what time you go, and there's not much air at the top, but it's a nice ride. I'd rather do that then drive that skinny dirt road to the top! Good way to kill a morning. We've done it both ways. I hope I see y'all in Yuma! That's where we'll be again!

  21. Lee, we had fun on the train ride up pikes peak last year. No air up there though :huh: You might just find some cool temps though. Colorado Springs is a neat town. We wanted to explore Cripple Creek too, but ran out of time.


    We didn't quite get to Rapid city today. Lots of cornfields in the way, did I say LOTS of cornfields in the way. We made it to Murdo, SD which is about 100 miles from RC. We also noticed we had a water leak from one of the bays. I think it's the kitchen sink drain. We had that happen a couple of years ago and I managed to fix it then (not too good I guess), so I'll crawl in there tomorrow and see what's going on. Be different than looking at cornfields :lol: Can't put the internet up because of a large tree (I still don't know which way south is), but the TV sat on the front of the bus will see past it. We do have WIFI from the RV park though and it's pretty good. This will give us time to locate a "base camp" to use for exploring this area. Fun Fun Steve


    Hope your having a good look at a Great State!!! Yes there's corn....and in them fields is Pheasants! Lots of Pheasants. That's the love of my other half's life! We drove down a dirt road over by Presho and I've never seen so many Pheasants in my life, just running in front of us down the road. Did ya stop at Wall? Get your free Ice Water? The Reptile Garden in Rapid is good. Faces and Keystone is awesome. Just watch yer heights if ya get off 90 with the coach. Some bridges and overpasses may not be high enough! As nasty as this heat is, ya can't afford to be without A/C! I swear we may all melt! We're supposed to have a cool front and a break of 88 tomorrow and then back up to 95+ on Friday. So tired of it! We are doing Nothing!!!!

    P.S Dan just asked ya which way did the sun go down? That's usually West..... I know.... (S.A)

  22. I checked out the Base Exchange and Mini Mall this morning and topped off the gas tank with $3.35 gas. That's the best thing about military Bases. You don't pay state taxes. This place is scattered all over hell's half acre. There are some truly beautiful sights in unexpected places. The Base Exchange sits up a few hundred feet higher than the campground and you can see forever while coming back down the hill. Tomorrow I'll check out the town if I don't decide to do that tonight for dinner. Then I think I'll go to the Garden of the Gods and up Pikes Peek in the remaining days I have here. I'll only stay a week if the wildfires in New Mexico are to a point that the State parks near the north end of I-25 are open again.

    I will be interested what you find when you get to New Mexico as far as the fires go. We want to go to New Mexico and spend some time around Santa Fe and Albequerque on our way back to Yuma in September. Hoping that the fires have moved or gone out. Hope you enjoy Co Springs...it's one of my favorites. I could almost retire there, but it's pretty expensive to live there. Let us know what you see!!! Please :} j

  23. Update: Now in homeless in Chanute, KS, at the super 8 unitl July 22. Not fun but repairs are being made to our 'home' and the estimate was MUCH better than we anticipated! Just now much fun and not much to do in the very samll town. Oh, one of the joys of ownwership!


    I can relate to that! We were in a Days Inn for a Week in Warner Robins GA last month. But to have the Generator fixed and the paint job on the ends...it was worth the mini vacation away from our "home" We spent wayy wayy too much money, and the Continued Service Plan disallowed labor hours and diagnostic hours but at least we didn't have to pay for the complete job and especially since it was the second time with the same issues. Good luck and I hope you get done quick and are pleased with the results.

  24. Well, we went to a nice out of the way restaurant in the "Dells" called Ishnala Supper Club. It's right on mirror lake, secluded in the trees and a great meal with "ambiance". We had fillet mignon, prawns, and a nice Cabernet to wash it down. You need to have a really good meal once and a while just to keep your balance! We had been to the Dells before, so we really didn't do any of the tourist stuff, but drove around and looked at everything. T-shirts or taffy anyone?? We did go to one attraction called "top secret", which was housed in an upside down White House, but it was not worth all the hype!


    We are heading out West tomorrow morning, so Joe, hang on to the baaaad whiskey. Steve


    ps: Linda, we have been to Baraboo and you're right that circus musuem and show were something else!!

    Safe travels you guys! We're still baking here, but not nearly like Guthrie! You can be glad you're not there right now! Wow it's hot...and it just don't give up! They're saying a cool front going through tomorrow night, may cool us down to 95. Whoopie. We are mostly staying in. ;(

  25. Here I am planted right smack dab in the middle of the Air Force Academy. The check in proceedure was very nice. They really are out to please their guest. I find the sites a little wacky not too lever and I'm on a set that has three site, the fronts of the rigs are all facing the single drive and right up close to each other. I was fortunate that there was no one in the third site directly across from me because I had to use that site to get my truck out after I unhooked. The tongue on the trailer in the second site was right at the door of my truck. I had to really watch it when I opened the door. Other than the crazy layout I like the place except for it being in a pine forest and you know what pine trees do to solar panels. I should climb up and spray them with WD 40 before they get pine pitch dripped all over them. At least it would wash right off that way. They warned about bears coming into the park. If they are bare cowgirls that suits me just fine. Tomorrow I'll check out the Base then the next day I'll check out Colorado Springs. I was planing on going to the Officers/NCO club tonight for dinner but they don't have a dinning room in this club. So I'll save it until tomorrow and go to Carrabba's in town and put on a few pounds. A full report will follow as I go. If I stay the second week you'll know I like it.

    Now you're in my second home! WE have family there and I'll be headed in on the 15th of Aug. Now if you get tired of that arrangement...there's a park out on hwy 24 called Falcon Meadows. We've stayed there and not bad...you wouldn't be under those trees. Some sites with, and some without. Hope you get to do some fun stuff while you're there. We always stay at the Fountain KOA south of town, because it's close to our storage garage, they have a weekly rate. Don't know what you're wanting to see, but we took the Cog Railway up Pikes Peak and that was very relaxing and interesting ride. It leaves from Manitou. Yes...Bears do frequent that area, also right in town sometimes. Be Bear Aware at night!

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