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Posts posted by steved44

  1. Nice that the new pin box is on and working. I guess it's easier to level the truck than tilt the lawn! We forgot we had moved the other day and opened the fridge without having the catchers mitt on. Hmmmmmm those jelly jars sure can make a mess!!


    Lee, I sure hope you get that skylight problem solved. Do you have one of those skylight covers installed so you can keep the skylight open when it rains? Sure is nice not to have to worry about forgetting to close the thing all the time.

  2. Glad to see Jim out fishing. I hope it's "catching" instead of just fishing! :lol:


    We pulled up our pin and started West toward my brother's place in Seattle. Made it a whole 75 miles and wound up at the Elks club in Lewiston, Id. This is a great club and located on a hill overlooking the Snake river. 30A and water, and the view is really nice. We got a slow start because when I pulled the big drivers side slide in something jammed and the slide stopped on the rear end. After looking under the carpet we found out a small stone had wedged between the tile floor and the rear roller on the slide. We managed to get the rock out, but it had sheared a bolt on the slide mechanism and the rear part would not move. :wacko: I went outside and pushed on the rear of the slide and carol operated the control and we managed to get the slide all the way in. Puff puff! When we arrived here, I looked at the slide motor and found the sheared bolt and replaced it. Now it works fine. I had to do that a couple of times on our old bus, so I keep a supply of those bolts on hand. If I had been paying a little more attention when we were pulling the slides in I probably could have stopped it before the bolt sheared, but I didn't have enough coffee in me yet. :rolleyes: That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! Beautiful evening here, 72 degrees and sun just going down. Now for a nice cranberry juice.....aaaaahhhhhhhhhh

  3. You can always tell that fall is in the air when all of your tire pressure warning systems go off at the same time. :blink: Seeing we are trying to leave here tomorrow, my job today is getting all the air pressures where they need to be. Now that the temps are dipping into the 40's at night the pressures are down by about 10psi, and it doesn't look like where we are headed it will change by much, so I'm topping them off. Even the truck pressures are down by 5psi, so it wants a little air too. The last time I did this one of my valve stem extensions started leaking, and I couldn't get it stopped for a while. Now I don't remember which one it was so I'll probably find out before the day is over. <_< It's another pretty day here in Idaho, so at least I can work on my tan while I get the tires fixed. :lol:

  4. Yesterday, after surviving my brother-in-laws retirement we decided to take a jet boat ride up the Snake river. It started in Lewiston, Idaho and went about 50 miles up river. Fairley calm because the rivers were a little low, but still a few spots to make you hold on tight! We stopped for lunch on the Idaho side of the river and right across from us on the other side was where Oregon & Washington come together. We learned a lot about the history of the area, and also passed a number of fisherman trying their luck with the Silver salmon. A few were actually caught as we passed them which added to the fun. Long day on the water, but nice change of pace. Now today, I've got to help my brother-in-law install two toilets.....hmmmm maybe it's time to move on :rolleyes:

  5. Well our "mission" is now complete and successful. We are going to attend Carol's brothers retirement party in Grangeville, Idaho, and he didn't know we were coming. :ph34r: He thought we were still in New Orleans. We were doing a slide show of his life, and told him when we finished it we would e-mail it to him using Drop Box. We walked into his office yesterday in Cottonwood Idaho (his secretary snuck us in), and when he turned to see who was coming in his door I threw the discs on his desk and said "I couldn't figure out the Drop Box so we had to hand carry the damn slide show"! :o The surprise was perfect, and you should have seen the look on his face! It was worth the drive across the country! :D He manages the Cottonwood district of the BLM and his last day is today, so now we can help with the celebration.


    It's a nice drive up HW 55 going north out of Boise, but it's pretty twisty and it had a couple of spots under construction. It was slow going as you are climbing most of the time, but the scenery is worth it. Once you get North of White Bird, it gets flat again and back into cattle country. BessyBus made the trip with only the problem of the turn-signal flasher falling out in Denver so we are knocking on wood and giving her a rest for a week or so. 70 degrees here today and the leaves are falling pretty fast. It was right at 2500 miles and we averaged 7mpg which included some generator run time when we were still in the 95 degree temps. All and all it was a good trip and I'm going to take a "Steve" and watch the leaves fall for a while. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

  6. Confusion? OH YEAH, I'm on that train!! Have been for a long time and am still getting my ticket punched. :rolleyes:


    We landed here in Berthoud Colorado to visit my sister before continuing our trek to northern Idaho. As we were nearing the Denver area, all of a sudden my turn signals quit. Hmmmm Nice to enter busy traffic with no signals, and oh yeah it was busy! We managed to get to my sisters without anybody running in to us, but just a block from her house I had to turn right and the guy approaching the intersection on my right would not go. He was waiting for me, but I had no signal lights and was having to wait for him to go as it was a narrow street. A Mexican standoff! He finally gave me a salute :huh: and moved on. Mumble mumble....... The next morning I started to troubleshoot the signals. I got out the wiring diagrams, finally found the right fuse panel on page 20 and with that attacked the problem. I got down, crawled in front of the drivers seat to get a light on the problem area, and ...............and..............found the flasher laying on the floor under the box. AArrgghhh! all I had to do was plug it in again and viola! Problem solved! I could have fixed it waaaay sooner if I had just looked on the floor before I started this research. Oh well, it's fixed, and if my turn signals ever quit again (especially after traveling over many rough roads) I'll look on the floor first. Nuff said! <_<

  7. Hey, Randy & Liz glad to see you posting, we will be at Q this winter if everything goes well. We are in Norman Oklahoma right now and are leaving in the morning for Berthoud Colorado where my sister lives. Then on to Idaho to my brother in laws retirement (secret) and then to Seattle area I think. So many places, so little time!! :lol:


    Denise, glad to see you on the forum. Hope you get on the right meds and that they get you on the trail again. We miss you on here (I have to listen to IYQ with his sour notes) so please chime in when you can.


    Mike & Julie, don't use the s*** word yet, we just got out of summer day before yesterday in NOLA!! :o


    I went to check the oil on the generator today and as hard as I could pull on the release, it wouldn't open. Now I could just see breaking the cable off and then having to put the bus on a lift or over a ditch to access the latch behind the generator. I finally decided to start the generator and then pull the release with the vibration of the generator helping. IT WORKED!! I was able to check the oil (it was full) and get behind it to lube the latch and now on to cranberry juice and an easy chair. Whew! ducked that one! Everyone have a great day. :D Steve

  8. Well we escaped the giant shrimp and made it to Shreveport today. Got outside the gravitational field of the food of New Orleans which is pretty hard to do. Our "jello plans" have changed and we are now on the way to Idaho to attend Carols brothers retirement! The poor guy has to retire and move to Homer Alaska to fish for halibut! We've got a couple of weeks to get there so it shouldn't be too bad of a drive. Tonight we are at the Shreveport Elks, back in 30A and not too far off the main road so all is good. Not sure I want to drive as much tomorrow, but it is a new day and who knows what may take place. Jeri, no heaters around here, still running the A/C units and hiding in the shade. Happy travels. Steve

  9. Me and "shrimp" went on a swamp tour yesterday. It was out of the Pearl river near Slidell and was a pretty good tour. Saw a few gators and drove through the swamp where Burt Reynolds filmed the movie "Gator"! Also Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise filmed a vampire movie there. 20 people on the boat so it was small enough to get into small places, but stout enough that the gators wouldn't eat it. Way back in the swamp we ran into a herd of wild pigs (big uns) and they sure squealed for marshmallows. That place was plenty spooky and you could just see swamp monsters crawling out of there. Maybe even a mutant giant shrimp!! A fun day and we were glad to get home and hide out. Another camper pulled in here today, only the second one we have seen here in the last three weeks.

    The other one only stayed overnight so we've had the whole place to ourselves. There are 12 sites here with 30A and water, but no dump. We found a KOA about 6 miles from here that had a dump for $10 so we've been using that. Enjoying the Big Easy!

  10. Well, we almost needed the "shotgun" tonight. Carol was unfolding a small table we keep stored next to the shower to use for a project she had going in the living room. All of a sudden she let out this blood curdling scream, dropped the table and ran to the front of the bus. Hmmmm that was my cue to jump up, get the shotgun, and come to her rescue from what ever critter had her cornered. Turns out it was a shrimp (albeit a big one) with the head on and somehow stuck to the inside of the table. We had just had a shrimp dinner a few nights ago and had bought some live local ones, nice and big and pretty tasty. I don't know how this one got away from the herd and wound up in the table, but it sure looked scary for a few seconds. :o Luckily for the shrimp it was already dead, because if it wasn't the scream would have done it in. It almost got me, but with a little Jamison and ice I'll probably recover. :wacko: Steve

  11. Don't say Hurricane Jeri, we're in New Orleans and they just had the 10 year anniversary of Katrina. We were driving around the 9th ward today and there are still quite a few homes that no one fixed up. A lot of the city is pretty new, but you can still see the scars! 97 degrees here today so the Elks club pool is going to feel really good.

  12. We are the Elks Club in New Orleans for a few days visiting Carol's nephew. He is a concrete engineer and wound up here after Katrina. It's warm here (read hot) and humid, but the restaurants and clubs are still in fine shape. We only have 30A here, but using the center A/C seems to work pretty good during the day and the bedroom unit is plenty cold at night. This would not be my time of choice to visit this place, but we were already south and east so "when in Rome"!! At least this place has a pool, so it's not all bad.

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