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Posts posted by weaverworks

  1. Feddy & Delcie have a good trip and take care of that itch! We will be heading West soon after the Holiday. We have lots to see and do along the way so won't really get much into Arizona until late January.


    Hope you see you guys this winter!


    Have a wonderful Christmas.


    Travel safe & take care.

  2. Good Luck on the Surgery Freddy! I'm sure all will go well and you'll be up and at 'em in know time. I've had both knees and one hit replaced and can report medical science has definitely got it figured out! As I'm sure everyone is telling you, work hard on the rehab and you should be fine!

  3. Was that move South? Every little bit helps.


    Love it when people run their truck engines. Many people simply do not think of others!


    Another pain are people who insist on SLAMMING their RV doors. Again, I don't think they care that someone is living 10 feet on either side of them. This can go one all day long! Bang! Bang! Bang!


    Whew......now I'm tired. Sorry about the rant :D

  4. We close the Campground today. Leave tomorrow for Cochiti Lake for a few days letdown. It has been a tough summer. Next year we are taking a smaller campground with about half the sites, we are getting to old to take care of 45 sites. Hope everyone is well and happy. {we are} Hope to see everyone this winter, not sure where we'll be yet. Thinking about the Escapade in Tucson in March. Stay Safe!!


    LIFE IS GOOD!!!!


    Freddy and Delcie

    Hope you do make it to Tucson. We will be in the area and would enjoy seeing you guys again!

  5. Time to start thinking about hitting the road - kids are heading back to school. I can't believe school in some areas has already started. YIKES!! As retired school teachers, we are sure glad school didn't start until closer to Labor Day.


    We plan on heading to Gettysburg around the 12th of September and then roam down the East Coast before heading West. Hope to be in Houston for Thanksgiving with our daughter and then on to Arizona for the winter.


    Safe travels everyone!!!


    Well, Minnesota isn't really known as a snowbird destination except during the summer. I'm thinking it would be really hard for you to attend a reunion. Besides, there'd be a lot of people you wouldn't know. It's more of a gathering now than a reunion. No one is going to vote you off the island! You're an original !

    Jere said it best! :-)

  7. Lee....so sorry to hear things aren't going well with you. I've been out of touch for about a week and missed your post. God speed, Lee, and I hope you get settled-in and head down the road to better days.


    Send us a post occasionally if you get a chance. :-)

  8. For those of you that do not follow the other class forum, I thought you might want to know about Lee (IYQ). This is his post copied from that blog......


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    Posted Today, 07:22 PM

    Not so good news gang. I've been in the Hospital since Monday. I've suffered a stroke. It has killed a large area in the lower left rear lobe of my brain. It hasn't caused any problem with loss of function that has shown up yet but it is triggering Seizures. I've had about 20 in the past 4 days. The bad news is I won't be able to drive for 6 monthes after the last seizure. And they are still going. When I have a seizure there is no twitching etc. The muscle reaction is over in about a minute. But, it leaves me unable to talk and form sentences. I recover my speach within an hour and every thing is as before. However I've noticed I've completely lost a few words which I think was caused by the stroke. I'm going to leave the decisions up to my Nieses and will give them plenty of time to think about it so I don't know yet where I'm going or if I'll stay here and hire someone to keep tabs on me and make sure I don't stink up the place. I have plenty of support here so I'm not worried about drivers, helpers, or even housekeeping. I got alternate plans to take care of the Iowa trip. Right now I'll just let the planning get do without rushing it. When I get settled a bit I'll start posting regularly again.
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