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Posts posted by SueEllenH

  1. 24 minutes ago, agesilaus said:

    You don't give us enough info to make suggestions other than good restaurants. Those may be hard to find in MT cities are far apart up there. What do you want to see. What is your planned route?


    we don't have a planned route yet - we are at the picking out spots on the map that we want to see stage and going to make a route then.  Neither of us have been to this part of the country so we don't have any idea what we want to see, other than crazy horse and Mount Rushmore, and people keep telling us how beautiful Montana is so we want to see part of it and have friends that own a campground there so we are going to visit them, they are in the south west corner of Montana.

  2. Hello to all!!

    We are full timers and located out of South Carolina.  We are planning a two month trip for August and September this year to go out west.  We want to see Mt. Rushmore and visit friends in Montana.  We are limited to two months due to hubby's doctor visits.  We also have limitations regarding walking long distances due to hubby's physical restrictions - so hikes are pretty much out of the question.  We have a large rig - 45 foot fifth wheel - so that can be limiting also when it comes to where to stay.  And we have two dogs that are over 50 lbs each, so any place we stay must be pup friendly.  We love to eat good and want to try great local restaurants, even though we usually do all our own cooking, we know it will be fun to try things we may not have had before.

    So now that you know a little about us - where are your "must go to" places? 

    Thank you so much for your suggestions!

    Sue Ellen & Charles

    2021 Dutchman Voltage 4145

    2021 Dodge Ram 3500

    2021 20" Bass Buggy Pontoon Boat

    2008 Ford F150

    2 - 2021 Catahoula/mixed breed puppies

  3. We just picked up our new 2021 Dutchman Voltage 4145 5th wheel.  It has a Lippert electronic leveling system.  We have not used auto levelers before.  The tech at the dealership who showed up all the ins and outs of the camper went over the leveling system.  Not having used it before my hubby had him show him how to use it a few times.  After we got back home my hubby went online and watched videos on how to use it.  What the tech told us is not the same as the videos he found.  The tech said to use it in manual mode.  If it is an "auto" leveling system why would we have to put in "manual" mode?  

    Does anyone have any thoughts or advice for us?

    Thank you!

    Sue Ellen & Charles

    2021 Dutchman Voltage 4145

    2021 Dodge Ram 3500

    2021 20" Bass Buggy Pontoon Boat

    2008 Ford F150

    2 - 2021 Catahoula/mixed breed puppies

    1 mother in law and 1 step father in law


  4. 19 hours ago, 2gypsies said:

    Welcome!  I admire you for what you're planning to take on.  You're talking of selling everything and taking off.  I'm wondering if you've ever RV'd before.  You might want to consider renting a RV for a trip and taking everyone to see how they all do.  Full-time RVing in itself is a difficult change for some.  For your mom with dementia... they like to wander so being in strange places might confuse her more.  She'll need watching as I'm sure you will do.  With these obstacles make sure you have a backup plan if it doesn't work out.  Best of luck to you!

    Yes 2Gypsies, we have rv'd quite a bit, mostly before we knew each other but also a little since we've been married (9 years).  We both grew up camping (tent and rv) and continued after we became adults.  This will just be our first adventure into rv'ing full time.   We are getting a small jewelry looking locator for MIL so in case she does wander away we will be able to find her.  We will be watching her closely, but we know it would be unrealistic to think that we can watch her every single minute.

  5. Hello to all!

    My husband has wanted to travel for quite some time.  My dad passed in June and after that I realized that we should go while we still can.  My mother will be moving to assisted living due to health issues, so she will be taken care of.  My husband's mom has dementia, her favorite two things in the world are camping and her baby boy (my husband).  So we've decided to sell it all, buy a fifth wheel toy hauler, and go camping.  I am in good health and will be care giver for the rest of our party.  My husband has had a few back surgeries and is able to walk now (after about 2 years of not being able to) and he can travel short distances at a time.  His favorite thing in the world to do is to fish.  We have a small pontoon boat that he can handle and makes fishing nice for him.  His step-dad is a larger man with mobility issues, but can get around somewhat and has an electric scooter for bad days (he also loves to fish.)

    As soon as we can get everything sold (probably a few months) we will hit the road and go camping.  We are all very excited about it.  We plan to camp at campgrounds on/near lakes so the guys can fish.  Mom and I will enjoy relaxing, knitting, reading, cooking, etc.  Oh, and we have two dogs (from the humane society), they are currently 7 months old and already about 40 pounds each so they will be large dogs.

    We currently live in the upstate of South Carolina.  Due to everyone's health issues we probably won't be able to go too far from this area due to having to still go to the occasional doctor appointment.

    Has anyone ever traveled with health issues and/or dementia?  

    Thanks to all!

    Sue Ellen

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