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Status Updates posted by mds1

  1. Kirk,

    Hope all is well. We domiciled in Texas last year and have Escapees mail service where this might be a better question to ask;

    We do not have our mail envelopes scanned and get our mail delivered as infrequently as one month. I worry about getting a notice for Jury duty and not having time to respond.  Did you ever have a concern?

    I might call Escapees because this surely has come up before. 





  2. Hello again Kirk,

    My wife and I are nearing a decision for domicile with Texas and Florida being in the running. I know in my heart Texas is the place. The only reason Florida is in the running is as of today as far as I know that is the only state with available nationwide healthcare coverage. We are both healthy and I want to believe we can work around not having nationwide insurance. But this question is not about healthcare options.

    My question has to do with timing on the transition and I would suppose the same could be applied to either state.  Does the following sound reasonable:

    1. Tentively we will be ready to move from Missouri in October. I plan to get a mail service a couple months in advance to start making the transition.

    2. We want to visit family in perhaps October and November then head to our domicile in December to complete the process. I really want to be a non-Missourian to start 2020 for tax reasons at the least.

    I have plans to contact an expert insurance agent regarding healthcare logistics. 

    Or would you recommend an immediate trip to our domicile state?


    PS, we bought out truck and should be ordering our fifth wheel this month for delivery in 10 weeks so we can get it all setup ahead of time taking longer vacation trips before going fulltime.







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