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Posts posted by colddog15

  1. We camp off grid lots.   Not all enjoy that I get it.  It's what makes us a interesting group.   We all enjoy what we enjoy.    I also get learning stuff - even stuff I'll never do.   You never know what can add to your enjoyment of life. 

    Below is a post I posted on another forum .....

    Solar Panel Built

    Why and what not......
    I took on this project to learn and teach myself about solar power, solar panels and solar controllers.  As we all know there are a lot of very 'helpful' folks on the internet.    Sorting the facts from the alternative facts is a full time job. 
    My project by its nature is a throw away.  I believe ALL lessons cost money.  Thank god for the cheap ones.  My plan now is the use this setup in the 'real' world so I can learn what improvements I'll need.


    Parts List
    Renogy Solar Starter Kit . $95

    Renogy MC4 Tool .  $5.50

    Super Cloud Extension Connector Terminals. 1Ft . $9.00
    Renogy-10Ft-Adaptor-Female-Connectors .  $21.00

    Construction Note
    I knew it but its  worth repeating Lazy Daze is not know for using too much wire.  The hardest part was getting the battery out so I could  attach the extension connector to the plus battery terminal.    Once the battery terminal connectors where in place the rest of the construction was plug, screw down,  and play. 

    Lesson learned so far.
    MPPT and PWM -- the difference is more to do with the use and application is what is better.  They both will produce, in the same price range the same amount of power.

    Cost -- the price of a controller will get you more bells and whatnot but they all seem to produce the same amount of power.

    The controller you SHALL have should be based on the amps your solar panels will be producing.  I.E. 10 amp controller for a set of 10 AMP panels etc. 

    All controllers produce large amounts of heat.  Get one with a good heat sink.






  2. Government and companies collecting information on us is nothing new.   <smile> Think FICO score.   A more not well know is https://www.mibgroup.com/    a company owned by medical insurance companies that share you medical issues.    Scott  McNealy said years ago "There is no such thing as privaicy get over it'.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_McNealy


    My point is Facebook, Google et all should pay me for my personal information not make all the $$$.  I refuse to give it to them free.  <smile> but that's just me.



  3. A number of years ago I was a subscriber.    One issue I don't remember what month or year they reviewed a motor home.    This vehicle came out of the factory overweight.   The only comment from the review was in the advantages/disadvantages block.   As in it's a small disadvantage this motor home was overweight.    At that point it came to my attention that I was paying for a magazine that was just a mouthpiece for the RV manufacturers and had no attention to care for the readers/users safety.   


    Nothing today has change my opinion.

  4. I am not here to defend Google or ANY other internet company or provider but .....

    And I say this with all humbleness there are many other companies that track and compile  large amounts of personal information.  They gather the personal data with a very high degree of accuracy and sell it to folks that don't have your personal best interest at heart.   IMHO if you are going to be upset then those companies need to be brought out into the light also.   At least the internet companies provide some sort of personal benefit in exchange.  

    A small list of companies gathering personal data with NO personal benefit to the user.  

    Credit Card companies

    Medical Insurance companies - your Doctor, Hospitals, and HMO ALL share your medical histories

    Banks and Credit Unions


    Credit Reporting Agencies


  5. If I may add .... remember you are the one driving your RV.    It truly makes no difference what other drivers think or say in their vehicles.  NEVER never never let anyone else push you to do something outside your comfort zone.  I've lived in the PNW for over 40 years.  Been on almost all roads in Oregon.   101 is a easy drive.  The problem IMHO is keeping your eyes on the road because the views can be spectacular.   

  6. As an old framer once told me the only thing that keep rats away is a rat that you have run over.   

    Rodents are not afraid of light or noise.    Rodents will look for a 'safe' place from predators.   If the rodent thinks you RV is a safe place then it will try to hide there.    

    A good cat mouser might work but some evidence has showed that some types of cat urine attracts the rodents.  


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