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Everything posted by vworks01

  1. Well, I have been a lurker for several months. My daughter and I will be traveling together (widowed and daughter is mildly mentally handicapped). I have been a camping nut all my life. I have progressed from tents to large TT with 1 5er thrown in. I love all aspects of seeing more of our great country, sitting before a campfire at night with a good cup of coffee enjoying God's handiwork. I sold my TT after my wife died because it was such a bittersweet reminder, but am ready to go again. I intend to buy a New Horizons 5er modified the way I want it and after lurking here I realize I will need an HDT to safely tow it. I have been seriously considering a Volvo because of ride and handling. I am speaking as if I know what I am talking about, but I am really as green as a Granny Smith Apple. My brothers have been OTR drivers and I was the family nerd. My brothers all have MH, but i am not interested in one. I wish to continue on the path my DW (I asssume that means 'Dear Wife'. Please correct me if I am wrong.) I will be asking a lot of you questions that may seem dumb, I want to absorb as much as I can before I plunk down my pennies (very large bag) for an HDT and a NH 5er. Thanks for letting me ramble. Victor Works
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