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Roger & Lynn

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Posts posted by Roger & Lynn


    Tina updated ours with Windows 10 a week ago. Now it's doing some crazy things. It's gone to a blank screen twice then things reappear after a while.


    Hope they get your awning fixed before you want to leave.


    Jeff :)

    I keep putting off that update because I keep hearing stories like yours J & T. Hoping that they get most of it straightened out before the update period is over.

    Jeri, I pay a yearly subscription to Carbonite to back up my PC. Well worth it. I don't even know that it's running. It's constantly backing up all of my data to "the cloud". :ph34r:


  2. Hey Roger, Heck that sounds like a good deal, however I need to be back in the PNW early next month. Oh and Sharon says I'm not going to look at Motor Homes either. LOL



    If ya do go look, watch out for all the golf carts zipping around. When Dave (hdrider) and I were stuck there a couple of them crashed near our rig and sent the driver to the hospital. Of course that may be one way to get a "free MH"...LOL!


  3. Back in Deming. I took the trailer into Jimmy's RV first thing this morning. He got all the numbers he needed to order the parts and I was back at the ranch within an hour. My plan is to have him do the work about the 1st week of December and winterize it. I'll bring it back to the ranch park it and jump in the Navion and head west. I'll hit the slabs about the 1st of Jan to get the Navion solar ready. Then head for Q whenever the group desides to get there. After Q I'll wander a bit before coming back to Deming to get my taxes done. Now if I can just follow that plan it will be a miracle. We had beautiful weather yesterday and today but more wind is in the forecast for Saturday along with freezing weather at night. Santa better trade that Mercedes back in on another sleigh.


    And another bug no no. Don't sit on the bank while fishing. I did in LA back in the 70's then willingly jumped in the lake, took my pants off and made a mad dash for my trailer holding my pants at arms length. Those fire ants are wicked. And a word of wisdom. When bit by a stinging insect heat water (coffee or Tea) in a ceramic cup so the cup gets hot. Touch the hot cup to the welt for as long as you can stand the heat. The venom from stinging insects is killed by heat and the itch will be gone. They make a medical gadget called Therapik that does it with infrared light but the hot cup works better and faster. Pour about half the hot liquid out first so you don't slop it on yourself while holding the bottom edge of the cup on the welt.

    Crikey Lee...I've heard of having "ants in your pants" but, that story "takes the cake". Were there witnesses? I'll bet you'd get some strange looks! :D


  4. Wind? Rain? We may not be having wind or rain but I'm sure getting eaten alive with all the bugs in Florida. How do locals survive?

    They do have creepy crawlin' things there...watch out for the fire ants. Spray your lawn chair legs. That's what the locals told me! :ph34r:


  5. Packer debacle? As a long time Lions fan I can now say I've lived to see just about everything. Next stop for a Lions fan, a win in a playoff game, then up, the Super Bowl. Yah, I'm young enough for that to happen. Won't be this year for either of those, but a win in Green Bay, like the game Sunday, boy was that unbelievable.


    We were in Port Aransas in Feb 2010, saw the beach once. Very windy and rainy. But you have to go to the belt sander races at The Gaff. I think they are on the weekend at 4:30. You need to check it out.

    Gotta hand it to ya Eric...you're a better fan than I Gunga Din! To still be still rootin' for a team that's only one of four that have never been to a Super Bowl...that is loyalty. :o Thanks for the travel tips guys...keep 'em coming!



    We just left the area. Check out Doc's on Padre Island. Great food.


    Hope we see you in Arizona.

    That's just down the road from Pioneer RV Park where we will be. Checked out their menu...looks like a winner. Thanks guys!

    Let me get this straight. You were in San Antonio the other day and now Patagonia, AZ? That's 900 miles...crikey!


  7. We saw the end of the Packer game. If Prater had made the 2 extra points he missed there wouldn't have been all the excitement at the end. I said at the end of last season that Peyton should retire. He's had 1 "good" game and it was against the Packers.


    You could still turn the bus around and come to Florida. It may be humid but it is warm to hot. Lots to see and do in the Austin, San Antonio, and Hill Country too. Thought you'd go there before the RGV.


    Travel safe everyone.


    Jeff :)

    We thought that too Jeff but, with all of the recent the flooding we thought that area might still be soggy. We'll try it on the way out...I hope.

    Neither team played like they wanted to win...plenty of blown chances on both sides!


  8. It's rocking and rolling today. No rain today but that wind is terrible. I tried to walk this morning but had trouble keeping my balance so gave up on that. I don't have an anemometer on this rig so don't know exactly how fast the wind is but it sure is tossing this rig around even with the stabilizers down. It should be good for taking a Steve if It don't shake me off the bed.


    Roger: I hope you know how to swim with all that rain. I used to love Mission but now the traffic is so bad I hate driving down there. The last time I went there I left the next day and went back up to Goliad state park.

    Goliad, eh? Thanks Lee...I'll book mark that. You take care with all that weather and maybe you should look into gettin' some seat belts for your bed! :D


  9. Did anyone catch that Packer debacle (again) yesterday? I'm afraid that the wheels have come off of our wagon!
    Pretty laid back (boring) here in this part of Texas. Ten days here in Bay City and then a week in Victoria before Dec. 1 when we move into the Port Aransas park for a month. It's near Corpus Christi. January will be in Mission, TX. After that, who knows.
    Supposed to get wet here again (sure do miss dry AZ) today and tomorrow with heavy down pours and possible big straight line winds/tornadoes. Yippee, some excitement...ha! ;)


  10. We are so glad the Class-less class took us in. The 2012 class which we are (or should be) part of is so NON-active that it has been locked I assume due to being dead LOL!!!

    I think that I'm responsible for it's demise Dave. Back in January 2013 I put put feelers on their forum about getting together at Q. We only heard from 2012'ers Dianne & Tom. It seemed that the posts quit soon after that. Thank goodness the soon to be "Classless" took us in!

    Also, I'd like to give a belated thank you to all of the vets in our group and everywhere.

  11. After waiting only four days to get our warrantied Aqua-Hot repaired, we'll be back on the road to Texas in the a.m. Our replacement pumps arrived in the mail this morning and the owner Billy Thibodeaux got right on it. If you're ever in Lafayette, LA and in need of an RV fix I highly recommend looking him up. Very friendly, competent timely work at reasonable rates. Hope the rain stops before we get there!

  12. I'll be curious to what you think about Mission Texas and the surrounding area. That's a spot we want to check out yet, maybe next winter. I'd like to check out the Retama Village I think it's called.

    We stopped in here to mainly check out the RV port type homes. It's something that Diane and I feel we will end up with when it's time to settle down in one spot for winters and when we feel like we want something that's "ours". Not here but someplace around the country and not in the near future. And good luck with the Aqua Hot repair.

    That's kinda what we're doing Dave. We know that Florida isn't a good fit for us and haven't visited Texas. As it turns out, we've booked a site for January at Retama Village's sister park that's next door...Bentsen Palm Village RV Resort. Got the idea to stay there from John & Sharon. Thanks and hope that your stairs are workin' too!

  13. We are all settled in here at Gold Canyon for a week. Pulled in Sunday and then Monday morning we rolled to the service center and had our entry steps that broke a couple months back replaced. Then back and set un again in time for the free (Beer and wine supplied along with live music and popcorn ) Happy Hour. Tonight we will be having our complimentary Pork chop Dinner. Life is good.

    Sounds like a sweet deal and nice digs Dave!

    We survived the deluge of rain here at the Pensacola Elks and will be hittin' the road west tomorrow. Stopping off in Lafayette, LA for a repair to our still under warranty Aqua Hot and then it's on to Port Aransas, TX for December. January will be Mission, TX and after that we're open to suggestions!

  14. I hope Jim & Sandie get underway again fast. I know how that empty feeling in the pit of your stomach feels when you break down. When I was in Viet Nam i was heading back toward Saigon from K2 when a wheel bearing on my weapons carrier froze up. It was just befor dark and the Viet cong owned the road after dark. The vehicle made a complete spin on the gravel road and came to a stop. I was about to abandon the thing and hide in the bushes but tried one more time to free it by putting it in reverse and popping the clutch a couple time and it freed up but froze up again about every 2 miles. I was never so glad to get back through the gate of the air field in Saigon in my who tour. I stopped the truck at our motor pool and just sat there for about half an hour trying to get myself recomposed.

    Hoping that we hear some good news about Jim & Sandie soon. Lee, that is a heck of a story. It really puts things in perspective for the next time when Lynn and I run into a "sticky wicket"!

  15. We finally left Lewiston this morning after a somewhat rough evening yesterday. Carol decided to have a gallbladder attack at about 5:00 and we didn't know whether it was a heart attack or not so we ran to the hospital. :o While they were checking her out, she must have passed the stone, as she started feeling better all of a sudden. They ran a number of tests, and finally turned her loose at about 8:00! We were both a little shook up after that and it took a while to settle down and decide whether we would leave today or not. She felt fine this morning so we decided to take off. It was an interesting day of driving through central Washington state and finally threw out the anchor at a Loves truck stop on I-90. Busy place, but we needed fuel anyway and found a pretty good place to park out of traffic, and along a fence so we can put a slide out. We took HW 12 out of Lewiston, then 260 and 261 North to link up with I-90. 260 is a nice paved road, but really twisty down to the snake river and back. Then we drove through beautiful wheat fields. Didn't realize that central Washington was big wheat country. We couldn't take our eyes off the road too much, but it was a great drive. Now time to take a Steve and get ready for Seattle tomorrow. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Crikey Steve... Glad to hear that it all things "passed" well! You should be sleeping good after all of that. :D

  16. I decided to go up to City of rocks for a few days about noon today. I stopped at WalMart for groceries and shortly after leaving there I heard a loud hissing sound. At first I thought it was coming from something in the area I was going through but it persisted. In down town Deming I pulled to the curb to check it out. Neither of the radios were on so I started turning switches off. When I hit the LP valve switch it stopped. I was only a couple blocks from Jimmy's RV so I went there. The Gas regulator had blown and when you opened the tank valve a hugh cloud of gas came out from under the rig. $102 latter I was on my way again with a new regulator. I feel lucky I didn't blow half of Deming (Including me) off the map. I lost a quarter tank of gas but I've got a big smile on my face because that is all I lost. Now for a Steve. Źzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    I'd say that you "lucked" out on that one cowboy...glad it ended well!

  17. well it has rained all day here south of Raleigh NC and is expected to do so for another 12 hours or so... we are in a good spot to wait it out. Hell we couldn't run because I don't like to drive more than 175 miles a day. So we just stayed put...

    We only had to drive about 185 miles to get out of the flooding and Charleston, SC. John. Lynn and I were thinking about you two being stuck farther north. Hoping that you're on high ground and we'll continue to send good thoughts your way for a break. Keep us posted!

  18. Just need to let you guys know about how things were the last time Jeri went to Florida for the winter.



    That looks pretty deep Joe! I'm sure it's at least that high now from where we left. Very grateful to have dodged that bullet. Calling for sunshine here today and going to the local Rock Shrimp Fest with "the Cox Kids"...life is good!

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