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Roger & Lynn

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Posts posted by Roger & Lynn

  1. We had lunch at a really nice Italian restaurant in Payson (great lasagna) and managed to get back to the Jerome Elks just after dark. We were actually full (all 4 spaces) last night, but two of them left this morning so it's quiet again.

    You drove Bessie Bus II up to Jerome, AZ? Steve, you are one crazy s.o.b.!!!

  2. We've had that compromise thing happen a couple times too. It's not fun for sure. Well, we survived the nasty storm that hit last night. With the slides pulled in it reminded me of the time in Q! This time we had tornado sirens going off all around us. We didn't have that in Q. Glad it's over and in a few hours we'll get to see what the floods look like around us.

    We're so glad to be hearing from you this a.m. and that you're okay! Saw pictures on the morning news...what a mess. Still missing six people from the CG that was hit.

  3. Looking forward to sitting around a fire with a cold one so we can pick your brain about that part of the country. It's still on our radar.

    Same here pardner! If ya do the Corpus Christie area (or any other place along the coast) I'd recommend staying less than a month. That salt air is nasty for rust. Several long termers at the park there said that they basically get their rigs painted/undercoated before each season.

  4. The weather guessers are calling for 92 and of course a "Texas breeze" today of 35 mph gusts. At least the "fan" will be on! Can't complain about the weather for the past few months here. They were talking about El Nino creating colder temps and more rain for this part of the U.S. but, haven't seen it so far...fine with us! ;)


  5. Can't argue with that Lee! Have you tried METV or similar stations? You can get it on the rabbit ears and has only old TV shows like Gunsmoke, the Honey Mooners, etc. We enjoy that when the dish is blocked by trees. You may not get it in Deming but, have found it around the U.S.


  6. Being a die hard KC fan I didn't have a horse in this race but really wanted Carolina to win I guess because Denver has always given KC such grief being in the same division and all. But on he flip side I was sort of rooting for the old man to pull it off (IF THIS IS HIS LAST SEASON). But when Newton didn't jump on that fumbled ball near the end I figured to heck with him, he didn't want it bad enough so really didn't deserve it. In my mind it really was a fairly poor game and the ad's were a disappointment as well.

    I can appreciate that Dave...it would be like me trying to root for the bears. <_<


  7. I give up watching football again. Congrats go to the Bronco's Defense. I wasted the whole day on football. The Panther Defense was pretty darn good also but turn overs on offense killed them. I guess I'll turn off the TV for another 8 years. I sure hope Manning retires now on a high note before he gets busted up and disgraced for going beyond his time. He is too old to keep playing. His play today was fine in that he didn't make any big mistakes and let the Defense win the game but he was not effective on offense and another full season would make him a looser if not an invalid. Too many great quarter backs have tried to play too long and had to be let go or worse been busted up so bad they can't enjoy the rest of their life.

    You summed up that game very well Lee...two great defenses taking the offenses out of it.

    The NFL has become all about entertainment. Sometimes it seems like they've combined pro wrestling with it as far as all the hype and trash talk. It ain't your father's football. The money and the owners holding cities hostage for new stadiums is way too much.

    That being said, I'll still keep rooting for my Packers. The true America's team that is owned by it's fans!


  8. We won't be in Virginia for long. The plan is to eventually move west to Arizona or Nevada. Know of any good apartment complexes in Apache Junction???

    Sounds like a good plan...we'll see you out there! Don't know about apartments there but, we'll ask around. Good luck guys...

    Roger & Lynn


    I'm not surprised at all. He has to win the Super Bowl to even his won/loss record in the playoffs. Hoping the Denver defense has many meetings in the Panther back field with Cam and no Denver turnovers.


    GO BRONCOS!!!! Peyton Who?


    Jeff :)

    We'll be rootin' for the poor ol' guy but, it doesn't look promising!


  10. Crikey Linda and Ed...we're so sorry to hear about losing your rig and the $20K. We could now be in the same situation if this happened to us. As soon as I finish this I'm gonna look into some GAP insurance. Just got a notice from our insurance company a few weeks ago that said that now that our rig is ten years old they will only insure it for it's value. We still owe 18 years on a 20 year loan as that is what our financial adviser said we should do. I'm sure that we're "upside down" on that.

    Good luck and we'll certainly be sending you our wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Roger and Lynn




    Well, beautiful day here. It was just perfect for a little bit of beach time. Tomorrow we're back on the road after two months in one spot!

    Glad to hear that. You deserve a fair weather fair well after all of the storms in FL this past month. Hope it doesn't hit the RGV like they predicted. The winter Texans here talked us into staying for month two...first time also for us that we've sat in one place! Safe travels Jeri...R

  12. I give up making plans. They are sure to be broken before you get anywhere. This morning I PLANNED to have breakfast in Lukeville at the border. It's only 5 miles down there. When I got there I found the restaurant was closing permanently. There was a lady in the kitchen getting it ready to lock the doors. So, I PLANNED to go back north 27 miles to Grandma's at Why. When I got there Grandma's was closed. She use to close on Sunday but changed it to Saturday. Oh well another 10 miles north gets me to Ajo so off to Ajo and finally got breakfast at Marsha's then went to Olson's grocery to stock up on food. While I was there loading up my cart, Cowgirl Margie snuck up behind me. We stood there talking about an hour. When I finally got back to Oragan Pipe it was after 1 PM. I wonder where the days go.


    Lee. Go Panthers

    Lee, I couldn't keep up with ya pardner! Look at me talkin' Texan...LOL!


  13. We made our move yesterday from Miami to Wauchula. Had lunch near Naples with Jeri, Terry, Jerry and Janice. Sorry John and Sharon couldn't make it. Lots of chatter. We'll see more of Jeri and Terry when they move to Wauchula next week.


    We got to our RV Park and got checked in. They have had MEGA amounts of rain. Our spot was slightly uphill and we couldn't back in. The rv just sank in the grass and mud. We tried another sight that was more level and the same thing happened. So they wanted me to drive across one sight to get to the second sight, less than half way across we were done. Stuck in the grass and mud until it dries out in a couple of days. Will probably need help when we try to move. We'll be in this park for a month


    Travel safe everyone.


    GO BRONCOS!!!!!! Peyton who?



    No slabs? After reading this Jeff I'm kinda glad that we cancelled on that park. Our class A weighs over 35K lbs. and is a low rider anyway! Hope that you have hook ups and aren't "dry camping" even though it ain't dry. <_<

    GO BRONCOS!!!!!!


  14. I hope nobody puts a cork in my snorkel cause I'm going to be needing it. It rained most of the day and is forecasted to rain the rest of the week. Because Thursday is supposed to be the worst day I may just leave tomorrow which is supposed to be the weakest storm day. The Navion already is in bad need of a bath so it can't get much dirtier. I still have the sore throat and feel like I went through the Big Bang so it won't make much difference where I am. If It don't clear up by next Monday I'll go to the Doctor. I don't do anything except sleep which is OK because I don't want to spread this to others. So if I feel good enough to get this thing ready to roll in the morning, my next post will probably be from Deming. If it gets too uncomfortable driving I'll stop in Benson.

    Chicken soup for you Lee and get well soon!


  15. I spent the day cleaning up some of the messes I had yesterday then cleaning up the mess I made of myself. Boy do I have a bunch of towels to wash now. Toni dropped in this morning an invited me to Dinner on Sunday. I had to beg off because I have too many things on my to do list already. I was supposed to go to the supermarket this afternoon but found the football game on ABC. That moved that till tomorrow. Which is OK because I have to make a trip to the Post Office to get my Estimated Tax in for January anyway. I scanned the TV and got 70 Phoenix area station. I was surprised that with all those stations there is no ESPN or Fox Sports. With all the Bowl Games I was only able to get one. I got my walk in this afternoon. Boy are these blocks long. I was huffing and Puffing when I got around the block to get back home. You guys have made a football phanatic out of me with all your post after each game.

    I can think of one game in particular that you were fortunate to miss. My Iowa Hawkeyes set a new low for embarrassment in the Rose Bowl. It somehow managed to get worse at half time when Stanford's band made fun of Iowa's farmers by doing a parody of FarmersOnly.com. "Real classy" but, it's what you'd expect it from them.


  16. You never know were I'll show up because I don't know either. I'm at Rovers roost SKP Park in Casa Grande, AZ. Last night I made a cup of Tea and darn near chocked on the first sip. I had filled the fresh water tank the day before. Now I remember that Ajo has the worst drinking water in the world. I think they get it from the slooce ponds at the copper mine there. So this morning I pulled stakes and headed for Casa Grande to flush my Fresh water tank. I stopped in Gila Bend for breakfast and that was a disaster too. I ordered an denver omelet but told them to hold the Ham. They told me I'd have to get the build your own omelet which cost a dollar more. I did. When it came it was about 3 inches square and a half inch thick. They must have used hummingbird eggs. There was about two table spoons of hash browns that were drenched in grease and soggy and two slices of toast that were whiter than my back side. And a cup of coffee. The bill came to $12.50. When the guy at the cash register ash how the meal was I said don't ask. Now this saga gets worse. I went on to the SKP park and had to wait in my rig about 45 minutes for the office to open at 1PM. They led me to my site and the guy that guided me in had me at an angle so the front of the rig was 2 feet farther from the patio than the back. When he left I pulled out again and reparked straight. I drained the fresh tank and water heater then hooked up the hose and turned the water on. About that time the welcome lady came up and started talking. All of at once I heard water running and water was running out the coach door. I hadn't closed the bathroon sink valve that I had opened as a vent while draining. The strainer had fallen into the sink drain and it was running over on the floor across the kitchen and out the door. Grrrrrrrr. I just about had that cleaned up when the Lairds spotted me and came over to say hi. When I went back in the rig the water had run duwn into the carpet in the cab. It was not my best performance today. I'm sure glad it's New Years Eve so I can start with a clean slate tomorrow in 2016. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    Egads Lee...I did the same in 2015 only with a black water tank...it's a long story and not my fault. Well, that's my story! Happy New Year to you and all of the other classless! :D


  17. I only watch football when I can be in the stands where I yell and scream and make a fool of myself. I guess I could do that at home but that wouldn't embarrass Dave nearly as much. :)



    We had season tickets for the U of Iowa for nineteen years and did that Sandy. Some of the best times of my life. Bear hugs from my dad and tearing the goal posts down with him after beating Michigan...priceless!

  18. I bought a tv cable today and watched the Broncos/Bingles game. Good game. After not watching TV at all for about 8 years I've become a one night addict.


    As soon as it got light this morning I had to go out in the cold to dump the black tank. It filled last night just as it was getting dark. I was hoping that last night's use didn't over fill it. Close call. I decided that as long as I was already frozen I might as well go out for breakfast. As I was getting the leveling blocks out of the way Cowgirl Margie came walking past so she climed into the shootgun seat and went with me. We sat in the restaurant till I was afraid they would throw us out. Then we stopped at Radio Shack for that TV cable then drove down to the plaza to check it out. I was hoping it would warm up with all the time we were wasting but no chance. So home we went to sit on the cold ground and attach that cable. Oh well all is well that ends well even if it did make my nose run and teeth chatter.

    Now you need to pick a favorite team and suffer like the rest of us "fanatics" every time they play...LOL!


  19. Roger, I just looked in that compartment again. The plug is in there at the very back of the electric cable storage area. By sitting on the ground. with my arm fully extended I can just verily reach it. I think it will not be used by me. I had a heck of a time getting my feet back under me to get up again. If I do use it, I'll leave the cable on the connector and just roll it up and lay it where the shower head goes which I will not be using also. The outside shower is no where near the dump valve and sewer hose and I don't have a dog to wash.

    No wonder you couldn't find it! Designed by someone who doesn't RV obviously. :rolleyes:

    BTW...since you mentioned that you don't watch much TV, if you hook up to cable TV you'll need to turn off the the antenna amplifier. But, you probably knew that!


  20. Roger, the compartment that stores the electric cord has the water control panel in it with all the drain valves and tank fill valves, shower, pump switch, macerator switch plus the generator output plug but I didn't see any cable conector in there. That cupboard above the TV also has the cable connectors for a satellite receiver in it. Weird, there is no window anywhere near that cupboard to get the cables outside.

    That sounds like the picture of the compartment that I saw on line that made me wonder if it was in there. I also read that your rig should be satellite ready. If you had a wire tracer you might be able to put a tone on the cupboard outlet and follow it. Too bad that I won't be in Q...I've got a tracer. I reckon that you could run a coax through the window but, I'd also make the dealer show you where it is or have them install one since it's supposed to be standard. Makes ya wonder if the guys at the factory were in a hurry to get home that day! <_<


  21. I am not sure. The TV is mounted on the wall right under that cupboard and all the vidio connections are in the back of that cupboard on the wall. The face plate that has the RG 86 cable connector on it also has the push button switch for the signal amplifier on it. There is no cable connector on the outside of the rig or in any of the outside compartments. I havent watched TV in the past 8 years. I just thought I might get interested in football again and assumed there would be an outside connector for cable. My other trailer does have one on the drivers side of the rig. You can't get any stations at all on the antenna down here in Ajo.

    That is really odd. I'd say that nearly every RV now has one. I googled your rig and it shows "cable TV input" as a standard feature. Is there a compartment that contains your electric cord? I'd be contacting your dealer about it!


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