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Everything posted by mskrastins

  1. as to the sig, no I designed that years ago when I was recouping at home from an accident involving a HDT (got hit and I rolled) I did quite a few more of those images at the same time, as well as did the design with a buddy in CA for the rear tube doors on Burbs and pre-92 crew cab Chevys and made a few sales of those. I totally understand the putting trucks where they don't belong. As a tour driver we go to places never designed for anything bigger than a 45' and cabover, and then we have to stick several 53' trailers with condo's into these spots . . . it brings out the kid in all of us, especially after a 10hr sprint to the next city overnight. I asked that question then found the book online that has listings.
  2. Thank you, very much what we had in mind. I am a member over at Pirate so I was a little surprised to see that I had missed that build over there. I am curious though as to how hard it is for folks with HDT's to find RV parks and places to park for extended periods. I know that there are times when I can just back into a truck stop like I do now, but that is obviously not an ideal location. And I am personally opposed to parking at WM or other shopping centers (been hit there too many times)
  3. Been lurking here for awhile now too. My wife and I have been talking about doing this for some time now, and going through all the different ways that we could get into RV'ing like we want to. As a truck driver, it just felt natural to me to get a rig ourselves and modify it to pull an RV. Now my employer is talking about selling the rig I have driven for the last several years in order to upgrade and I may be in a position to purchase it from them. It is a '00 Freightliner FLD 120 w/ 72" Condo, Cummins N14+ turned up to a little over 500hp, with an Eaton Autoshifter If we get this the plan is to build a deck to haul a Jeep (have to sell my Burb as it's just too long to haul like that) and pull a fifth wheel in the 40ft range behind it. The details are all swimming around in my head and occasionally I start to put it all down, but that is the general idea. With our families all over the US and this being a "small" combo compared to what I'm used to pulling I really hope this is something we can pull off.
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