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  1. Because some insurance companies are notorious for closing blocks of Medigap business every few years to keep rates low for new entrants. As long as you're healthy and can pass underwriting it's not an issue, because you can change insurance companies, but at some point you will be denied and then stuck with a closed block of business and future sky high rates.
  2. The Federal Government has never processed Medicare claims. Since the beginning of Medicare, the claims processing has been contracted out to private insurance companies. MoO may have been one of many private insurance companies processing claims. Nowadays rather on a state level, the claims are processed by MACs, who handle the claims for a geographic region.
  3. Why would someone want to stay with Plan F-HD even if the plan is closed to younger members? Because 1. Plan G will now be a guaranteed issue plan so rates will go up faster from now on. 2. From the rates I've seen so far for Plan G-HD on a senior insurance forum they are considerably more than Plan F-HD. 3. In order for Plan F-HD to be adversely impacted by any changes, the average person on the plan will have to have almost $12,000 in annual medical bills year in and year out. The current average for all of Medicare is $800 according to my Medigap insurance broker, although I see a slightly higher average on kff.org. 4. Plan F-HD definitely saves someone money when they are healthy and even when someone is in their 80s, the Plan F-HD rate plus deductible will likely be cheaper than the other rates. Here's a good article on why a high deductible plan may be good for some people: https://www.journalofaccountancy.com/newsletters/2018/mar/high-deductible-medigap-plan.html
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