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Posts posted by bilmorvn

  1. After 18 days since I started action to establish a new SD address, I still am working on it.  Dakota Post never called back.  Went with MyBestAddress who immediately took our $, but took several days to get the necessary info to us and for us to return it to them .  Had to pay for a notary and shipping.  So we spent many days as stateless folks until MBA affirmed we were hooked up with them.  A very uncomfortable feeling.  Yes, our vehicle insurance rates increase.  Obviously a lot more people in Sioux Falls run into each other and steal stuff than in Madison.  Many changes require that you  be there in person to accomplish.  I am not sure if I will be able to vote absentee this fall.  I have a bank account at the Madison branch of First Bank.  Wanted to change to a Sioux Falls branch.  You can only do that in person although I set up the original account online.   I just bought about three lifetimes of checks that have the old address.  So have have had to purchase new checks for two accounts--more $.  I have spent many, many hours online and on hold changing addresses and still have more to do as I remember things.  Know I have a lot of governmental folks to contact.  Had a month's worth of mail to be sent.  Only mail Terri sent was the Medicare cards which was great and a brochure from a cruise line!  Wonder where the rest of the mail is and what it was?  Can't take a cruise because you need a  DL with the new address and to get a new one you have to do it in person.  SD is not on our schedule this year.


  2. I posted re My Dakota on Fulltiming forum before finding the closing being discussed here.  We got the email late 7.28.  SKP friends who use them were not notified at all until we texted them.  Very upsetting since we have used My Dakota for 10+ years and have taken Terri to lunch a few times along with sending gift cards to her because the very good service.  Betrayed is putting it lightly.

    I emailed the Escapees that their mail service should waive their start up fees like the other SD mail services are to help out those of us left to swing in the wind.  Haven't heard anything regarding my suggestion.  I worry about the decreased residency connection to SD with most of the mail sent directly to Livingston and the additional per item fee charged for any letter sent to their SD address.

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