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Everything posted by ebooker

  1. Great discussion. My husband and I have been full-timers for more than 14 years now and domicile out of Sioux Falls. We've had no difficulty getting nor renewing our driver's licenses and had no problems initially setting up a bank account. When we changed banks about four years in, we ran into problems but found another branch (of the same bank, in the same city, oddly) that opened the account for us. I have since had difficulty with some financial accounts that can't seem to verify that I exist (! we're working to resolve that....). Bottom line: as Kirk says, the Patriot Act has had an impact, but it varies. The reason it varies is because the Patriot Act only says a bank must be able to verify its customers' identities and know where to find those customers. How the bank does this is up to that bank (it is not codified in the Patriot Act itself, but in the corresponding Bank Act), which is where we travelers run into different ways things are done. PMB? Okay. Not okay. Depends on the bank. Fortunately, we've stayed healthy so we haven't experienced any issues with insurance. Best I can say is, good luck. If you run into difficulty with a bank no accepting your domicile address, try another. Let us know how it goes!
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