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Everything posted by dougmcc1

  1. I'm a current resident of Illinois with an Illinois drivers license and BCBS of Illinois healthcare coverage . But I'm spending the cold winter months in Florida. I want to buy a motorcycle, which requires getting a Florida drivers license because Illinois wont accept the motorcycle course certification from Florida, and because Illinois has stopped doing motorcycle certifications for the winter (so I cant just fly back to IL to get motorcycle certified). In order to get a Florida drivers license, I have to establish a domicile which I'm doing through Escapees. But what about my health insurance? If I establish a domicile in Florida, with a Florida drivers license, and Florida vehicle registration, do I have to move my health insurance from Illinois to Florida as well? Or can I keep my Illinois residence as my primary residence and the Florida domicile as a secondary residence/vacation home? I want to make sure that if I get hurt in Florida, that my Illinois residence will still cover it, and not deny any claims due to me "moving" to Florida. Do I have to move my insurance to Florida in order to be covered here over the winter months? In the spring I plan to travel to other states rather than going back to Illinois. So would I then have to establish domiciles/residences in those states in order to be covered there? Or can I just keep my Illinois residence as my main residence no matter where I travel, and be covered in all states under the Illinois healthcare plan?
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