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Everything posted by tiehand9

  1. I purchased my 21 RAM 2500 Hemi 15 months ago and have put almost 50k on it. 60-70% of those miles with 14-15k loaded 5er behind it. It’s all about expectations. If I use cruise control when towing my MPG is down around 7.5-8.5 @ 62-65 mph. If I stay away from cruise (or limit use to flats) I can get 9.5-10.5 mpg at 65-68 mph while letting speed taper off on inclines which the cruise won’t allow. Up real hills I can still go any speed I want if I don’t mind seeing mpg drop to 2-3. I choose to keep rpm below 3500 and let speed drop to 40ish. I don’t use “tow mode” and I generally drive at speed that the tranny can hold 8th gear. I can hold 8th down to 50-55 mph before a downshift if I’m careful. My trans runs at 168 degrees on flats and heats up to around 175 on hills, which is well below temps to be concerned about. I don’t keep up with the diesels going up hill if I want to maintain reasonable mpg. I do generally pass semis on hills if the left lane is clear. With no load on the highway I get 18-21 mpg @ 75 mph. Again, it’s all about expectations. With my 2500 Hemi I have enough cargo capacity for my 5er. With a diesel I’d need a 3500 due to the drop in rated cargo capacity. I’m fine with slowing down up hills and I don’t ever feel like I need to rush. In fact, most trailer tires on RVs in this weight class are only rated for 65 mph anyway. And just before anyone claims I’m overweight, my 21 Hemi 2500 4x4 crew with 4.10 gears is rated to tow 16800 and 3100 cargo. I weigh all the time and adjust to stay below rated capacity. I did once find the rear axle of my truck over by about 300 pounds and immediately adjusted cargo to correct it. I’ve considered a swap to a 2016-2017 diesel 3500 (similar value) so that I’m not so close to the limit, but there’s more to it than just higher capacity and I’m comfortable with my under $100 oil changes and lower price fuel. The one thing I’d like when my 40’ 5er is attached is to be able to use the semi pumps instead of searching and maneuvering for the gas pumps. In fairness to all I’ve never driven a diesel with a load behind. Maybe once I do I’ll change my tune.
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