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Cliff E

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Posts posted by Cliff E

  1. Thanks for all of the help. To be honest, the reason was looking at North Ranch is because it is central to both friends and fammily we have in arizona. That and our first choice in goodyear is booked solid. I know I proably should have staarted lookingsooner but since we are not sold on the idea of aarizona I just thought I would find out all I can about the ranch.

    D&J, I will look into the park in Yuma and possibly some closer to Phoenix/Casa Grande.

  2. Sitting here getting over the virus and contemplating spending the winter in Az. Was wondering  if any one here has spent a winter at the North Ranch in Congress.Checking the annual climate for the area  I am not real sure how good of a location that would be. 


    Can any one provide some insight on the winters in that area and how good of a choice would that be. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.


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