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Posts posted by Dabbs

  1. Ha, drip chain? That's a neat idea, I was going to do the drain tube thing but decided that's just not a proper fix and I shouldn't have to put up with a weeping water heater that's brand new. There's got to be something I'm missing because not every other water heater out there weeps....

    So I went back to square one on how these things are designed to create an air pocket, upon my research I found they have an inner diverter pipe (plastic I think) in the top hot outlet port. This diverter pipe is a distance from the top of the tank, when filling the tank the water will exit that pipe before the tank is full thus creating an adequate air pocket. If that pipe has a breach then water would completely fill the tank resulting in no air pocket, under normal conditions the tank does build up pressure but since air compresses the valve doesn't open....

    I believe this heater has a defective diverter pipe so I'm going to return it for another new one, it's the only solution that makes sense to me 



    water heater cut-out.jpg

  2. Hello everyone, newbie here but long time camper owner... 

    My 27 year old Suburban water heater finally sprung a leak in the tank so had to replace it, bought a brand new identical one mainly for easier install. Problem is the T&P (pop off) valve on the new one leaks during heating cycle, not the threads but through the valve itself. I tried a replacement valve but it does the same thing, it's about a drop every two seconds for at least 15 minutes. Seems like when it gets up to temp and the flame goes out it stops dripping....

    These valves are rated 150psi and 210*, I tested the water temp at 142* so not near the 210*. I haven't figured out how to test the pressure but I would think if it's 150psi it would blow my rv lines? 

    Surprisingly the manual has a section for 'water weeping' through the valve, it says to shut off the water supply then open the T&P valve til it stops flowing to create a bigger air pocket to allow for pressure. I've done that numerous times but it still drips, I'm at a loss. Do all of these new water heaters leak through the valve like this? I just can't believe they do, Help and Thanks 

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