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Posts posted by HiWay-OurWay

  1. In mid-2020, my wife and I decided that we needed to find an RV that would allow us to get out and do some exploring of places we have previously passed by as we hopped from hotel to hotel across the USA.

    As retired grandparents, we considered those opportunities we would hope to have when we could bring along the grandchildren to share our experiences.

    At first, we looked at Class C motorhomes, since we had no tow vehicle and figured that being fully self-contained would be our best choice.  The more units we walked through, the more disappointed we were with the space layout, bed spaces for kids, etc.  When we ended up looking at 32' Class C motorhomes, it was clear that looking at Class A units was going to be more likely to meet our perceived needs.

    So, we moved on to looking at Class A motorhomes.  We soon determined that a front  engine gasser wasn't going to work for us, so a rear engine diesel was needed to go the Class A route.  The whole MH route led to the need for a toad, tow bar setup, braking system, etc, which now had us looking at two new motor vehicles to add to our "stable" just to go traveling, since we owned no flat-towable vehicle we could drag along.  With all of the added maintenance and licensing/insurance, this rapidly eclipsed what we expected to be spending when we first looked at RV-ing.

    After stopping for some reality-checking and spreadsheet analysis, we backed up and went down the 5th wheel path.  This was based on swapping one of our current motor vehicles for a new TV, keeping us at two motor vehicles to maintain, license and insure.  Then we searched long and hard to find a 5th wheel that not only suited us, but could accommodate the infrequent hosting of several grandkids as well.

    In the end, we have a new 1-ton diesel truck that replaced one of our two "daily drivers" (not that we even drive daily, being retired), and a new 5th wheel trailer that is big enough to feel open and comfortable when we are alone, and sufficient to house several grandkid when the situation presents itself.

    Other than having a rough-riding heavy duty truck for some of my basic transportation needs, this seems to be our best solution.  I can always ride one of my motorcycles if I don't want to drive the truck and the weather is good enough.

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