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Posts posted by modernbeat

  1. 37 minutes ago, sandsys said:

    Does it leave a tacky surface for the next person to deal with?


    No, most shelf paper is low-tack and doesn't leave any residue. Even less chance of transferring adhesive if the table and seats are a little dusty.

    If you're worried, shelf paper is inexpensive at big-box stores and some grocery stores. You can try it out on your own patio table or chair before you inflict it on a table in the wild.

  2. For occasional picnic tables in parks I use shelf paper.

    It sticks to even the most filthy table and doesn't go anywhere. It's a one-use item, which will discourage some.

    When done, it's not so tacky that it's difficult to remove. So it peels off easily.

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