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Posts posted by djl6156

  1. Hey Bonnie, just a quick question or possibly a hmmmmm type of moment.  You are in Minneapolis and if they are anything like the most of the northern states they have heavy duty equipment, salt, sand etc to combat the road conditions and are accustom  to handling it. The roads will be clear when they are clear and storing your motorhome in Kansas City, you'll have to be able to get there from where you are. So you drive your 'heavy duty, 4x4' down to Kansas City just to have the storm front be going through there at the time. Or you can leave before the storm hits so that the storm comes in as you get on the road with your motorhome. I personally lived in MI and storms went through, I drove when conditions where acceptable, I never parked any vehicle a few hundred miles away in hopes that I could drive it in the middle of winter. Just me but it would not be worth it, from my thinking

  2. I applaud your honesty with your situation, however I can not agree with your destination. To help others is a great and righteous endeavor, to be sure, but how you got here seems a bit of a stretch. I was a single father that would collect soda and beer bottles for the deposit so that I could afford to buy my 2 year old daughter a meal. I was homeless for a time, yet made sure that my daughter was fed and clothed. Your losing all your worldly possessions to now gain them back by 'Helping Others' is a slight of hand and no more. God came to me in a strange way, some would say a dream, others a vision, but whatever it was it was powerful and direct. Stop wanting for material things, stop using others to make yourself better, stop lying to people about your intentions these are the messages God gave me. I did this, and here 34 years later, twice divorced, retired (at 57 year old) man, with 2 step sons, a daughter and a son, very happy and full of God's love. I worked hard and stop wanted things of the flesh, material things and asked what God wanted me to do. He walked with me every step of the way to where I am and nowhere in there did he ever tell me to start a website that I could make money from using his name. Shame on you. Now this is just my personal opinion and I could be way off course, but God has been with me for years (there's no other way to explain it) and your "website" seems a bit commercial oriented.


  3. 7 hours ago, docj said:

    That's a common misconception.  The typical Class C powered, often built on the Ford E450 chassis and powered by the Ford V10 usually gets 8-9 mpg.  Our 34,000 lb Class A powered by a Cat C12 gets a very legitimate 8 mpg on the average.  Yes,  Class A's, in general are more expensive to operate, but fuel isn't a major driver in that calculation.

    I have to agree Doc, My gas, class A, 30' is powered by the same V10 that powers most of the class C and some B, I get a 10 mpg. Now I do not try to beat any speed records but I usually put the cruise control on about 64 mph and just sit back.

  4. On 10/21/2019 at 6:33 PM, Jimmy61 said:


    For me it was all about the money and length (period). I looked at the class B+ ,Nexus/Phoenix Cruiser/Coachman Concord/Safari Damara, as well as others. I settled on a used class A, 2016 Thor ACE 30.1, fairly close in length but because of the cab in a class B+ or C, the class A won. Then price, the class A was no less then $50,000 less. There is a small difference in height (10"-12") and width (2"-4") yet Almost anywhere you can put any one of those I can put my class A. But as many here have said that is all in the preference of the individual.


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