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Posts posted by ctsedlak

  1. It's just hard to believe. I still think of the first time we met in TN. He steamed the best crab legs and brought a bunch over to our RV when he learned they were my favorite. Always there for a friend, real, honest, and funny. You'll be truly missed, Mike. Teresa, our hearts go out to you and your family. Please let us know if we can do anything. *Hugs*

  2. We did our truck with vinyl 2 years ago. Challenging job. We started with lightly misting the truck with soapy water but got tons of bubbles and there was no room for repositioning. Ended up slowly pulling the backing off the whole piece and spraying the soapy water directly on the vinyl adhesive, effectively soaking it. Then you sort of slap it into place on the truck, slide into position and gently squeegee the water out. Worked well, and we were outside the whole time (not in the sun). Good luck!

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