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Posts posted by GaryCQ

  1. Okay, the need to have another relationship isn't there.  That is not what I was referring to but rather when I had that "near death" experience 50 years ago I saw a side of life that I had never seen before.  There is only one uniqueness call "me".  What I saw, what I learned was another person cannot complete the uniqueness called "me" but the joy of it was in sharing it with another unique person in the bonds created by God.  Yes, I am a Christian who learned of God from God.  He has slapped me down when needed but He has shown me He is there even when not needed.  I cannot explain it to someone who has never experienced the Living Presence called God but to those who have, they understand my words.  But I still do live in this world and I am not yet in "the world to come".  I write the way I do just happens.  It is not something I create but something that was created in me long ago.  So yes, "love" under the umbrella of God is my final outcome I do seek but only God can supply it!  I joined Escapees not for a religious experience but hoping to find others who have experienced other aspects of this "RV" life similar to mine and we could share common experiences.  When two uncommon things try to relate generally only confusion is the result.  I try not to offend others who see a different side of a coin, so if you don't understand my words that is okay.  My nephew speaks fluent Japanese and lives there but has trouble talking to his family until he remembers how to speak English, which sometimes takes some time.  I hope others understand my words and purpose.


  2. There is a storey of a boy who sailed around the world alone.  It was written up in National Geographic.  In this voyage he met his future wife and she followed him as he sailed alone.  Having her at his next port kept him going.  On his last step of sailing to the Panama Canal he received a letter from her as she was travelling through Switzerland.  This one line has stuck with me over the years "There is so much beauty here and all over and I want to say to you how beautiful it is but your not here and suddenly its not as beautiful.  Funny, beauty isn't as beautiful if you can't share it with somebody you love."  During my life with God He has shown me much, one being the Love He wants His Children to feel for those He designated them for.  So I guess that is the loneliness thing I speak of, I KNOW what I'm missing but I also know I can't provide it for myself, but I must admit His Hope is the thing I cling to.  Still, there is much beauty out there that I want to see and enjoy, even if alone, for beauty is what it is even if it could even be more so.  So in my 80th year I still want to go see, feel and marvel at God' creation.  As I once wrote long ago "I reach out through the eons of time and space and gently touch your face".  I guess I got carried away, I do that once in a while.  Like many of you, sitting still waiting for that "grand reaper" just seems like an empty existence.  Thanks to those who care enough to respond, it helps!


  3. I bought a new 30' Arctic Fox back in 2008 to take my then wife and me to see this country.  She was younger than me and wanted no part of full time RV life or travelling.  She was happiest when being with her friends and doing things with them.  After 29 years of marriage we divorced.  I finally am tired of just laying around and would like to get my 5th wheel ready and head out, slowly at first seeing things as I go around here in the west.  I have wanted to go to Alaska for over 20 years and maybe I'll do it this time.  I don't like being single but a bad marriage is much worse.  Just before my 30th birthday I had a "near death" experience and found out God is Real so my Christian Walk these last 50 years has been real and rewarding.  I just want to go out while I'm still able to and see this beautiful and incredible country of our.  After my divorce I did take my 5th wheel out and saw much beauty and I really enjoyed it for a couple of months.  When I got back my sons needed my help for a while, first one then the other.

    I guess my question is this, am I to old to start this new stage and possibly last stage of life.  Physically I am mediocre at the best, not the once strong athletic person of days gone by.  Next question do you think loneliness at this stage of my life would be to great?  My main preoccupation these days is writing, short stories, poems and other Biblical experiences.  I am still learning but in a totally different way of  Yester-year. 

    For any wishing to give me any advice or sharing their own personal experience with me it would be greatly appreciated.


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