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Posts posted by BigBaron

  1. Hello, I'm a beginning lurker!

    I saw a post by "hjsdds" on what I believe you all call "the other" forum. I was shocked looking at a 45' Space Craft and thus I've been sucked in...


    I grew up in Malibu and used to be a commercial waterproofing contractor in So. California. My wife was born in Korea but moved to the states when she was little. We met at Cal State Long Beach and have been married 23 years. We have a son, Barry (13), and a daughter, Faith (11), and our stupid dog (OSD) Fang.

    We figured out that there were easier ways to lose money than being a union contractor, so we decided to move to Korea so our kids could be closer to my wife's parents. We started an English school in 2003 and have been English teachers ever since.


    We have two popup trailers (8' and 12'). Anything bigger just won't work here-the CGs are too small and it only takes 5 hours to drive from the top to the bottom of S. Korea! I honestly doubt I'll ever have the resources to afford a class 7 or 8, and am beginning to doubt that I will ever move back to the U.S. Nonetheless, I enjoy looking at everything you all do. I thought class A MHs were big!




    If you're curious about camping in Korea, I have a couple of albums on Photobucket you're welcome to look at.


    Camping in Korea before our trailer Camping in Korea in a popup

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