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Posts posted by cd084

  1. Made it to McCall, ID yesterday (McCall RV Resort).

    GPS's got luv em!! So Saturday evening in Twin Falls, ID my GPS decided to take us on a back road 20minute zig zag from the gas station to the local Walmart (needed some supplies, and yes we were able to find our rig in the parking lot) which would have only take 5 minutes if I had only ignored her (the GPS) and taken the interstate.

    So we are passing through Boise, ID and I see the sign for McCall but the GPS is telling me to continue on down the road, "not this time" I tell the wife!!! And we head off through Boise. After navigating all the traffic and a stop for lunch and at a Walgreens so the wife could get her Antipsychotic medication eye drops we finally make it to the 55..... and a sign saying that the road is restricted.. Max length 61' (single trailer config) something to do with a hairpin turn. Crap!!!! Ok GPS you win, so a 180 and back through Boise to the 84 (all in all adding an extra 1.5hr to our trip) then west bound to the 95. Doesn't end there, on the 95 heading north and there are signs posted stating that trailers over 48' require a permit! Not having a fun day!! "yes officer, I do have a permit it's in my other pants let me go get it for you" "Taxi!!!"

    Anyway made it to McCall, beautiful place. Will hang out here till Saturday before heading to Castle Rock, WA.


    edit: probalbly should have mentioned that all hooked up we are around the 74' mark.

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