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Posts posted by SPII

  1. Glenn, you seem to always blame Lippert frame failures on the specifications set by the manufacturer. Well, the sheer volume of Lippert failures and problems is a direct reflection on Lippert and not on the manufacturer, except that the manufacturer knows what they're going to get by choosing Lippert. They do not build a reliable product, regardless of what the manufacturer specifies. My theory is that they simply build fast, cheap, and at a higher volume than they can build well, like most of the Elkhart trailer manufacturers do. Until we hold Elkhart and Lippert responsible for the crap they are building, and stop supporting them by demanding unreasonably low prices, we'll keep getting what we pay for.


    I will vote with my wallet when we buy the fulltime rig, and we'll make sure our manufacturer knows why we chose them.





    Would you please give us an accurate figure of Lippert failures and problems. I didn't think so.

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