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Posts posted by aborovoy

  1. I'm the OP. The reason I want to register with a business name is exactly for the reasons Carlos mentioned above; marketing and professionalism. It turns out the business is me--the tax preparer (and my husband who will be doing a lot of the administrative backup and support), and I think it's going to be easier to remember the business name rather than mine. But it sounds like all I need to do is a DBA when I come into Livingston to do all of my other stuff for residency, which was the answer that I was hoping for. Now I just need to make sure that Escapees is cool with my using the one address for all of my mail, including the business (not that there will be that much coming; I expect that it will all be done virtually, but still). But that's another question that I can ask directly as needed. Considering that my primary focus will be the mobile community, I believe that the Rainbow Drive address will add some cred to my marketing.

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