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Posts posted by cowboy

  1. South Dakota    -  Vehicle registration,
     a year or so ago I was talking to the lady at the county clerk office and we got to talking and she mentioned the fact that, at least her County, it was an open County where they would register vehicles for anybody, it didn't matter if you had a forwarding address or SD DL or not.
    Recently I called to get some information and they said that that had changed, I guess some counties were getting overwhelmed, so they stopped doing it, and now you have to go through the state.
    In any case I called the state office and the person I talked to said no no no you have to have a license or address in South Dakota to register your vehicle??
    So, I'm wondering if anybody has any other Insight on that, as to whether there are some counties that are still operating openly, and/or if the lady that mentioned that you needed these other things was correct?



  2. I will reply to my reply.

    Just hit the redial button on my phone and got thru to Terri (as mentioned, yesterday I got a msg that seemed to say the line was out) anyhow I spoke to her. Here are few updates.

    She is the owner. The bank person was the previous owner , 4/5 yrs ago.

    She did not say what the issue was, and I didn't pry, my impression is that it is typical business issues, not enough help, but mostly $$,  people she owes want there $, combined with people owing her $ (not sure if she meant customers of the MF) or other people.

    She did say she was going to try and get to her email and reply etc.

    I also mentioned reimbursement, and she said she was going work on that.

    I also mentioned that she should try and keep everyone posted, she said she would.


  3. Be nice to keep everyone posted on any info that comes up, in particular anything concerning refunds/reimbursements.

    Not sure how that would happen, last time I called by phone, both lines (800 and 650...) were out of service.

    And I imagine they won't be getting back to anyone via email either.

    I had just recently paid may yearly fee. Would like to get a portion of that back.

    Keep everyone posted..

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