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Posts posted by katwell

  1. Thanks to @Blues for the detailed and very helpful analysis; it would indeed be nice to NOT have to travel back to Florida every time I get a hangnail. :)

    Also thanks to @Fhkw9DPJ8V1g -- its sounds like your situation is quite similar to what we're looking to do and it is comforting to hear it is going well.

  2. Thanks to everyone for the references and kind words.

    @TXiceman make a good point that it hard to make a recommendation knowing so little about our situation. In brief, we intend to spend a month or so each winter around Bushnell when we will take care of things like doctor and dentists visits. We’ll likely find ourselves on a BlueCross/BlueShield ACA plan of some kind. We’re fortunate to be in good enough health that an annual physical and infrequent screening procedures should be all we require. That of course won’t be true forever, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

    Incidentally, I do see that most community members seem to domicile in Texas and not Florida. We’re inclined to use Florida as a home base because it has far better weather in the winter months and it is closer to family (still out-of-state, but much closer than Texas is).



  3. Hello, Escapees!

    My wife and I are looking to retire in the next handful of months and join you all on a nomadic journey. We would like to domicile with Escapees around Bushnell, FL are we are looking for references to businesses that are accommodating to the Escapee lifestyle. We would appreciate any leads to businesses that are aware of – and sympathetic to – the needs of the nomadic community. Examples include:

    ·      Primary care physicians

    ·      Dentists

    ·      Pharmacies

    ·      Auto insurers

    ·      Health insurers/brokers

    ·      DMV locations

    ·      Banks

    ·      Estate planners

    And so on. What am I forgetting? Is there a better place for this kind of information?

    See you on the road!



  4. @talon39, thank you for posting this, as it drew my attention. Was there a resolution to this issue?

    My wife and I are very much interested in retiring later this year and pursuing a nomadic lifestyle with Florida as a home base and domicile via Escapees. Like you, we don’t want to lean on our close relatives. My sole point of hesitancy is that our financial institutions may not be willing to accept an Escapees domicile address now or years down the road.

    Does anyone have any advice for dealing with such a situation or (better still) avoiding it in the first place?




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