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Posts posted by TheBecks

  1. 9 hours ago, agesilaus said:

    I suspect there aren't that many FL CPA's with knowledge of CA laws. Our usual refugees are from the NE, NY State in particular. How about getting your CA guy and one of the FL CPAs talking. The CA CPA could advise the FL CPA, or use a national CPA company that has offices or contacts in both states.

    Maybe one of these: Florida CPA firms

    Thank you for the list!! 

  2. 1 minute ago, DanZemke said:

    Your exposure is all about CA, not FL. 

    "If we utilize a CA professional, CA will use that relationship to demonstrate that we are still CA residents and will continue to try and tax us accordingly. "

    Nonsense.  You are getting poor advice.

    Nope, I am not, I am getting very smart advice. Especially when some it comes from the state Florida themselves and a variety of documentation that has been provided by other professionals 


    I simply asked for recommendations, not debate about the advice. I know there are CPA’s out there that have helped in this situation and was hoping someone in these groups would have have that knowledge. 

    Thank you for providing your input but it isn’t required. Believe or not I do actually know what I am doing for our individual situation.  


  3. 2 hours ago, agesilaus said:

    As long as they get their vehicle registrations fees and driver's license fee every six years Florida has no interest in your finances. Other than sales tax and the usual real estate taxes which goes to the county.

    You seem to need a CA CPA not a FL one.

    We have a CA CPA but have been advise by people much smarter than I, to retain a FL CPA to help establish that relationship to help prove that we are truly intending to be FL residents.  If we utilize a CA professional, CA will use that relationship to demonstrate that we are still CA residents and will continue to try and tax us accordingly.  

    so not particularly “wise advice” when we are trying run the heck out of the state. Last thing we want is them to continue to tax us to death.

  4. 1 minute ago, Kirk W said:

    Florida has no state income tax and no requirement to file. 

    Well that is fascinating, kinda of assume'd Florida would want "something" that proves we are residents/domiciled (over and above all that we've already completed).... that does help take one component out of the equation, living in CA apparently has me brainwashed that I have to submit all sorts of things in order to prove I'm out of the freaking state... 

  5. 48 minutes ago, Kirk W said:

    While asking your FL attorney when you next talk with him is a good idea, once the husband has completed his work and retired, file a partial year, California Income Tax which serves notice that you are leaving. You can't legally part ways from CA as long as one of you is still employed in CA, under the laws there. I am not an attorney but have observed many others leave to take up domicile in other states and that seems to be one of the key actions. 

    That part we've got covered in terms of partial year filing.  He's union so will need help w/ filing for the one time exemption so his pension isn't taxed in CA.  I do work for a CA employer with employees in multiple states, I'm the Director of HR (with payroll under my area of responsibility, so I know I can easily "move").  So on his retirement date and our official "move" date, I will update my address on record w/ the organization.  Currently and rightfully so, I am still showing as employed in CA.  From the "official" date of the move, we will finish the year for tax purposes in Florida.  Essentially, I really want a professional do our actual filing for both CA and FL for 2021 and make sure that we are doing everything we are legally obligated to do, while protecting our interests.   Hopefully this clarifies

  6. need a bit of group advice, a little background to help clarify

    Hubs is ready for retirement date set at 8/31/2021, I will continue to work full time, my job is fully remote and will continue to be.  We have been until recently been/are residents of California for our entire life. Hub is a union guy and has a pension that we believe will qualify for the exemption of California income taxes.  My employer is multi-state and I can easily establish my residency in Florida for income tax purposes

    Mid-May we established domicile in Florida, turned in our CA CDL's, established a physical address/mailing address in Bushnell w/ Escapees, contracted w/ a family lawyer attorney in Florida to set up our estate plan, bought our Ford F450 in Florida,, found our rig (Alliance 40v13) in Texas and have secured all the proper financing for that purchase and pick it up in 2 weeks.  Now we really really need to chat w/ a CPA/Tax professional who has experience helping us unravel ourselves the best way possible from California.  

    Looking for your recommendations, 

    Thank you! 

    The Becks (Heather and Tim)

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