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Posts posted by RVdream

  1. Height is less of an issue as having the drivers seat as far back as it can go and his knees still touching the dash .... that is the big issue we have not been able to get around.  Anyone have luck with an RV  that has a drivers seat such that a man with long legs can drive comfortably?  He is only 6'3" but has very long arms/legs so the space between seat and dash is an issue in RV's....  We are shopping for like new under 30 foot diesel.

  2. Did anyone have luck woth buying an RV that is comfortable for a tall man with long legs?  If so what did you get?  We have been searching and looking but all the class C's and the A's we've seen with the seat ll the way back his knees are still touching the dash....

    any suggestions would be hugely appreciated.  Why do Rv manufacturers think everyone is short???

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