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Posts posted by IYQ

  1. Well, I'm glad you kept the Navion and the Hornet. It won't be long until you'll have things in good shape. So nice that you have friends there to help you. So, are you niece and nephew talking to you? I'm glad you got to stay in New Mexico. That's more home to you than South Carolina right now.


    How are you physically? Did the mini-strokes go away? Are you keeping busy during the day? Keep improving and before long you'll be as good as new![/quote


    niece is still talking but less. still have minor strokes but mostly not being able to talk or write about. I have a lot of trouble writing and forming things I want to say. especially things I want to call something.

  2. and to think of all of Iowa I missed by sending my Niece and Nephew there. i didn't have to put up with any of it.


    Jeri, I'm still in the Navion and will be for a while. My friend Susanne can only work a couple of hours every two or three days. And she is going through ever inch of that thing. With this weather bouncing off 100 every afternoon and her having to work in the hot part of the day its going slow. Then with her done with it I'll move in slowly. just about every thing was given away or thrown away and I'm not going to replace most of it. the bath and john is much more comfortable in the old hornet but I get alone ok in the Navion cause about all I do is sleep and eat anyway. when I move into the Hornet again then I have to go through it to get it back in shape. My niece completely changed it to her style then spent more times in Motels then in the Navion. then that trip with Barb and I to SD was in Truckstops and all we changed is the Frig and roll sleeping beds out on the bunks. Its still not in shape to change much because boxes of stuff from the Hornet are stacked sky high on the spare bunk until I can move it back to the Hornet. So I got some stuff in the frig to eat and one bunk to sleep on and a few clothes in the closet and don't do much more than sleep anyway. I'm slowly changing cabnets back to where I can find things and tossing her stuff I can't use. they evidently had a couple errors. one end was torn off the black hose, the handle was broken on the grey tank and the slide out damaged behind the drivers seat where something was evidently stached between the wall and the slide while the slide was closed then cracked when they tried to open the slide. every thing I do I expect to find another problem when it operates. I'm doing ok and don't let anything disturb me so eventially I'll get everything back to the way I want it.

  3. I turned on my MIFI so maybe this will stay on line long enough to write a post. Susanne started working on my trailer today it will probably take her at least a week. She can't work every day only about 3 a week. I'm in the Navion with a lot of junk that is waiting to put back in the trailer when its clean. But, it seems there is nothing in here I need to live with. When I get it back the way I had it before my Niece changed it to her place. I'll be a lot more at home. I don't have to do all the hand work now but I'm stuch with paper work catching up with all the mail doing the books. I got the Quarterly tax out of the way. Got the new license plates on the rigs. Changed all the Insurance to Hartfort and now payiny less than half the cost. Got a couple of unexpected bills I need to check on but have to wait till a monday. I didn't know I'd be so busy for giving away all my belongings but is beginning to see the end. I had to make a fast trip to town today and no friends were around so I drove myself. It felt good. the seizures are not effecting muscle working just being able to talk good. I think I'll start driving more often just using the back roads taking it slow and easy. I don't want to loose my driving skills by being totally inactive.

  4. I tried to post using my phone a couple of days ago. I tried to correct all the wrong letters and lost the whole thing twice and gave up. A bad usb cable was keeping me from charging the tablet. Now I'm back in Deming, charging the tablet and have all the spare cables so should do a little better. I have a lot of working to do getting every thing out of the Hornet trailer so Susanne can give it a through cleaning. Then moving what little I have left back in it for living. I discarded or gave away everything I owned getting ready to move to that assisted lining place in Charleston. That isn't going to happen and I'm not going to buy a bunch of stuff to replace every thing here. It will be a relief to not have all that junk to care for. I'll live in the Navion untill the Hornet is all cleaned then move back into it. I read all the Happenings on the phone both good and bad so I hope the bad ones are over and the good stick around. Now to work.

  5. Good news for Jim. I love when every one gets that kind of news. I got up here by noon on the third day and got my new drivers license taken care of. Barb wants to use one more day and go to Deadwood then stop and see a mutual friend in Denver on the way back before she has to report to work at the Lo-Hi RV Ranch. We are doing great so I'm happy.

  6. We got as far as Springer NM today and are holed up in a truck stop. Tommorow we should get as far as a little above Cheyenne WY. Feel good saw lots of Prong Horn. No seizures to day but wish I talk and hear better. Barb drove all the way. I was in charge of keeping an eye on the scenery.

  7. So, I'm guessing you're feeling much better if you're not going to Charleston. I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully, you'll get a lot more use out of the Navion. Sometimes it's nice to be able to re-think our decisions. We do that all the time. Chalk comes in handy. Let us know if you need us for anything and we'll be there to help if we can.

    No it is just the opposite. My Niese and Nephew were driving me crazy ignoring what I was telling them we had to do to get the vehicles transferred before the 20th so I wouldn't be in trouble with SD. Every time I would say we had to do this or that or recomend we do something the reply with we are going to do what they wanted to do. So I told them I wasn't going with them and wasn't going to give them the Navion or Chevy. Now they are being very nice so I won't make up a new Will. It had disturbed me so much my Seizures had started again and my blood pressure had got out of control. I've got the BP back in order again and the Seazures are inproving but I must keep from getting disturbed. With my friend Barb driving I should be able to stay calm on the road up to Rapid City and back.

  8. "we had fun trying to remember where we had been in the country!! Memory is not what it used to be!! Got to run..... Steve"


    And that is why I do a blog. Because I really and truly cannot remember where I was even a month ago. Sure am looking forward to moving out on Wednesday.

    That makes it nice, you can go there again and be excited again. I can have as much fun as I had yesterday never getting bored.


    I may have to make a fast trip to Rapid city to get my drivers license renewed. I got a letter saying I could do it on the net but it is confusing. Monday we will call and check it out. If I have to go there one of my cowgirls said she will drive me up there.


    I am not going to my Nieces place in Charleston. I told them I am not leaving and they are on thier way home. I am staying here in Deming till I croak. I'm not giving them the Navion. I have signed the Hornet over to the Low Hi RV Ranch but have been told to continue using it as long as I wish.

  9. For some reason I'm not getting the email notices of post on the classless class. I wonder what happened. I'll have to take a look and see. Maybe its just that I have a lot of trouble hearing now. Specially when a girl with a high pitched voice is calling me. One of the little girls at the clinic is that way. I can't understand a single word she says. when I figure out its her speaking I just say I can't understand you but I'll be there tomorrow at xx o'clock.


    well my nephew is on his way again. I told him to take his time. He wants to see Mt Rushmore now that he is so close. His weather seems ok although a little cool. Low 30s nights and low 60s days. I warned him to keep close tabs on the weather on his way down I-25. I hope he pays attention.

    It can be 80 one day and snow the next. I left Lions Head on the Idaho border once on August 23rd. I had to break 8 inches of snow all the way into West Yellowstone. I was pulling my trailer with my wife (before she was) following behind me asking why I was so slow. That little 307 chevy was doing

    all it could.


    Keep up the good Med reports.

  10. Great to here the good news of Diane. I know how good she must feel. I had two cancers Kidney and saliva gland and went through 10 follow up for each. You'd think I was used to it but now I worry about number 3 and I shouldn't cause I wouldn't live that long anyway. I'm ready to start looking for how good I'll feel when I get past the horrible tasting medicine. It makes water taste bad. It emphasis the taste of chlorine. I've started using reverse osmosis water to make coffee drinkable. I still really don't like it but have to drink something to keep from dehydration. I'm half way through the dose. One of the meds is out and it was really making things taste bad.


    Get out there a learn the stars. There is so much light pollution in Charleston I'll never see them again.

  11. I'm doing fine Jeff but can't say the same about this WiFi. I'm talking much better and the brain doesn't wander as much. I got a lot of Cowgirls lined up for Adobe Deli so can't complain too much. I've cut back on the sorting and tossing. It was getting me too tired and I wasn't getting the walking exercise in. But I have it down to a point I wouldn't be ashamed to just leave the rest. Gary the maintenance guy comes over evey day and ask If I need help with any thing.


    Those breaks of mine will give you a bump on the head if your not careful. Sure glad you got yours fixed.

  12. Well, our WiFi has decided to work for a while. So, now that I'm on the net I might as well use it. I sure have been doing a lot of sorting tossing away. My old rig is going to float away My Niece pulled into Moscow today. She can't wait to get into a Motel where she chances getting bed bugs and every kind of germ and virus that floats through the air. I should show her how to use my black light. She would never step foot in a Motel again. I'm thinking of sleeping in the truck on the way back. Every since finding hear aids in bed in two different motels in upstate Ney York I can't sleep at all in one. My wife couldn't either. Boy the weather is getting bad here in OK (That should keep Steve on his toes for a while)

  13. Lee- Have the seizures stopped yet? Sure hope so. Has the cavalry got there yet? (Your niece). Keep us updated as you can.


    Jerry and Janice

    Seems the seizures have subsided. Now all I have is a feeling my right lower leg and right fore arm are going to sleep. And extreme tiredness. I run out of juice after about 5 minutes of any activity.

    Yes my niece and nephew are here they arrived about 2 pm today. We are working frantically getting the Navion ready because they have to leave for Iowa no later than Thursday and preferably on Wednesday heading for Iowa. I'll see them again about the 14th of May when we'll finish getting rid of the rest of the junk here and all 3 of us head fore Charleston, SC. The next few days will be devoted to shredding papers.

  14. Things got set back again. Now they (Niece and Nephew) won't be able to leave until the 21st. That won't put them here until at least the night of the 25th if not later. I think I'll wait until they get here then refuse to go back with them. No, I'd better not they might decide to take me back in a body bag. The Seizures are doing a lot better. I haven't had any during the night or during the day today. But, I sure need a car load of Kleenex. I'm also much more confused than usual. I'm usually just more confusing than confused.

  15. I'm planning a trip to a very popular, historical and beautiful city that most people keep in their plans and I hate it. Charleston, SC. I'd prefer any boondock area. We pretty much figured out I'll be going to an assisted living near my niece. You better bet If I ever get rid of these seizures I'll be playing like an escape artest. I'll be staying here in Deming for about 3 more weeks while my nephew and niece take care of the business up in Iowa leaving me careed for by one of the Cowgirls.

  16. Lee- Can you provide us an update on your condition now? Just want to be sure you are doing OK.


    Jerry and Janice


    Not much has changed as far as plans go. I saw the Doctor here this morning he says I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in. My cholesterol is very low and said if it were him he would continue taking the seizure meds even if I stopped having the seizures. He gathered all my records from his office, the Deming hospital and the Las Cruces hospital and put them together for my Niece so she would have everything to get me with the right doctors back east and said that if she has questions to call and leave her number and he'll fill her in on anything he can. The bad news is, I had 6 seizures today but they were a little more mild than what I've been having. I was down to one about every 12 hours. And from my niece, she wanted to start for here today but my Nephew's doctor says not until Thursday, However we have it pretty much figured out so we can get everything done. That's about all I'll know until I get to SC and get another doctor. I have all the help I need as long as I stay here in Deming. The Cowgirls even ask me if I need someone to cook for me. I should take them up on it. Wow.

  17. Well, I've called my Niece and her husband. Told them the story and told them to take a while to decide what the plan will be. We don't want any snap decisions. So I won't know anything more for a while. My next Dr's appointment is Monday. Maybe he can decipher some of these labs reports for me. Other than being weak I feel pretty good.


    We had a very pretty rainbow tonight but not much rain. We sure need some too. We haven't had any for a very long time. So I don't feel too sorry for you guys that have been getting drowned.


    I got the RV Superbag today now that I can't go any place in the RV. It's very nice. The removable sheet is 300 thread count, has a Summer And Winter side and is 42" wide. I've been looking for a single wide with removable sheet for a long time. So now that I can no longer drive and go use the bag, I finally get it.



    I want to thank y'all for all the kind words you've sent my way. Now if I could just get those cowgirls to feel sorry enough for me to do a little huggin' on me.

  18. Not so good news gang. I've been in the Hospital since Monday. I've suffered a stroke. It has killed a large area in the lower left rear lobe of my brain. It hasn't caused any problem with loss of function that has shown up yet but it is triggering Seizures. I've had about 20 in the past 4 days. The bad news is I won't be able to drive for 6 monthes after the last seizure. And they are still going. When I have a seizure there is no twitching etc. The muscle reaction is over in about a minute. But, it leaves me unable to talk and form sentences. I recover my speach within an hour and every thing is as before. However I've noticed I've completely lost a few words which I think was caused by the stroke. I'm going to leave the decisions up to my Nieses and will give them plenty of time to think about it so I don't know yet where I'm going or if I'll stay here and hire someone to keep tabs on me and make sure I don't stink up the place. I have plenty of support here so I'm not worried about drivers, helpers, or even housekeeping. I got alternate plans to take care of the Iowa trip. Right now I'll just let the planning get do without rushing it. When I get settled a bit I'll start posting regularly again.

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