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Posts posted by dartemis

  1. "Gold is not worth more or less as it has still more or less maintained its standard. Theoretically an ounce of gold will still buy the same goods it did years ago. Gold is not going up or down, the dollar is. That can be nit picked but is essentially true and something most are really not able to wrap their minds around. "


    RV this is exactly how I see it. An ounce of gold has always gotten you a week at a nice hotel or a nice mans suit. And it still does. It's not gold/silver going up It's the creation of gobs of fiat money that make that paper worth less.


    I don't care about discussing the end of the world. I do however care to let anyone who is looking for reality a chance to find a clue. So much dis-info is pumped out by the media/gov't/status-quo that it's impossible to get the facts from them. If anyone is wondering and looking for facts there are plenty of good thinking and analysis on the web. You just have to go and hunt it down.


    If anyone wants my short list of web sites to read start here http://theautomaticearth.blogspot.com/ and follow some of the links she provides. You'll be burried in good factual footnoted reading material for years.


    I'm sure not here to beat any drum. I learned long ago you can not force people to see what they do not want to see.


    so i'll let this thread go it's way, but am glad to pipe in with my two cents if anyone asks.





  2. Hi Mark and Diane,


    Well said. . You are right when you say that sadly only about 5% of the population see what is unfolding, historically speaking. Realistically, too, I am afraid.

    It isn't that we are chicken littles, or doom and gloom, it really is quite simply math, and the numbers don't lie.


    Thank you for your great insight!


    No cindona, Thank You! it makes my day when I run into another awake aware person. They are few and far between.


    What to do with money today. Small local banks, credit unions, matress, real wealth... i.e. tools, productive equipment, farm land. there is a good long list of what one might want to own going into this.


    Anything that is "held" for you by a third party is likely toast when push comes to shove. Just ask MF Global "clients"


    The problem I think many have coming to grips with the numbers and what elites and gov'ts (pawns of the elite at this point) are doing is that it can't be reconciled with human normalcy bias.


    RV. The issue boils down to this (at least for me) slowly at first some of us will start switching from the corporate financial system to the small business local community. A movement that has already been building for 4-5 years now. as more and more individuals decide to "protect" something (just in case) others will follow. at some point gov't will clamp down hard on this exodus from the status quo and cause a run on the bank. if you find yourself in that line, its too late. It's an issue of a day late is too late.


    Also no one can know when it triggers. gov't and the talking heads will insist all is well and getting better right up to the moment they call a bank holiday.


    Banks paying zero interest should be a sign to all. vendors financing your purchases at zero interest should be a sign to all. gov'ts putting in capitol controls should be ringing alarm bells all over.


    The "system" will pretend all is well right up to the cliff and even in the Wiley E. Cayote cartoon phase of running in air, just before he looks down...


    2012 will be one "interesting" year

  3. P.s. Money (fiat paper anyway) is flooding into the US because we are the cleanest dirty shirt in the hamper. not because there is any hope of the US doing better then the EU or emerging markets.

    But it's not money, it's liabilities

    CNBC or bloomberg will howl from the roof tops about all the corporate "cash" on the sidelines. But if you look it's not cash. it's greek, italian. US bonds and other paper.


    The world is melting down and no one wants to look at it and see it for what it is.


    Historically about 5% of a population understands what is unfolding in times like these. I hope to be among them.

  4. here's why and what i'm doing. First the long history, which i won't type out here except as an outline.


    Pre ww2 history of the FED / Depression / FDR social programs etc are the groundwork one needs to understand as a basis.


    The US was the only industrial nation to exit the war years with a manufacturing base intact.

    The US rebuilt the western world post ww2 and we boomed because of it.

    By the 60's the world was rebuilt and the US started turning to a rust belt

    Thru the 60's we went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation (oil imports/Japanize transistor radios etc...)

    We had most of the worlds gold by the early 60's. Gold is the only real money humans know. All foreigners paid us in gold to rebuild after ww2

    as we switched from an exporter of industrial/consumer goods to an importer gold started leaving our shores at an excelerating rate.


    in 1971 Nixon pulled the gold standard. This made dollars non-money and dollars could be created from thin air alone.

    Foreigners were livid and the world rebalanced by going thru a decade of hyper-inflation as dollars and credit expanded fast.

    Women remember throwing off their bras and going to work. Not from liberation though... but because the family could no longer survive on one bread winners income.


    Aah Gold, we should all mis it more then we do. We've been lulled into a false sense of security by our "reserve curency"


    In the 70's places like Sears et el. couldn't sell enough stuff to poorer americans to stay in biz, So they started financing our purchases so they could move inventory.

    Enter the age of easy credit. Consumer credit, and then credit cards, and then credit for everyone!

    As Americans tried to maintain their "standard of living" Debt started to grow.


    Remember when debt was a bad word? No longer, by the 80's debt was a braging point. (I think that is changing back now)


    Debt required financiers. Who collected interest. And started to get rich and then powerful (politically)

    A massive transfer of wealth was underway (and continues today) Most people are treading water at about the economic level of the 1970's

    As personal debt grows and people get trapped in consumerism to validate their status. Values changed.

    Thru the 90's and 00's a wild consumer frenzy developed and debt climbed way beyond manageable levels.


    Now we're in a world dominated not by productive labor and wealth building (like we have had for the last few thousand years or more) but by...

    The FIRE economy. Finance, Insurance, Real Estate. All non-productive paper pushing.

    As the FED lowered interest rates to near zero (to allow the government to keep making interest payments on it's balooning debts)

    People found an "easy" money path thru refinancing and pulling "equity" out of housing


    Now that that bubble has popped and global debt stands at levels that can never be repaid (we over shot manageable debt levels long ago)

    The status quo is trying (and succeeding wildly) at shifting the elites (private/personal) loses onto the public tax payers.

    The Idea is that more debt will solve the problem of too much debt.


    Figures vary widely (cause no one wants anyone to really know) but today debt is thousands of fold greater then assets

    The system has become so intertwined that the EU or anyone else cannot unravel their systems less they destroy the global scheme.

    An extreme misallocation of capital has occured due to gov't statistics being skewed so bad as to send false signals to the market (the gov't doesn't want you to look)


    You can find this pattern in history at least as far back as Rome. The pattern describes the end of a currency. No biggie... well... maybe a biggie...

    Never before has currency died globally at the same time.


    The industrial world was built on and demands CHEAP energy. Which is over.

    America has had it's economy hollowed out as much of it was packed up and shipped overseas for cheap labor and higher profits.


    The scale of the problem is such that for every penny (1 cent) of real wealth in the world there is nearly $1000 dollars of debt piled on top of it.

    When the music stops who is going to get a chair?


    Every asset everyone has (thinks they have) is really someone elses liability.

    So ask. Who is going to get paid back in the end?


    I own nothing anymore that is in the system. Just too much risk of total loss.


    This is my conclusion and not advice in any way. Your mileage may vary.


    Good luck to us all!





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