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Polk County Appraisal District wants information income, occupancy and expense data regarding my mail forwarding address

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 I received correspondence today in my Escapees mail forwarding address from the Polk Central Appraisal District. They are requesting information regarding income, occupancy and expense data associated with listed income producing property which is my Escapees mail forwarding address. They request I fill out a attached from which they did not provide or go online to “www.polkcad.org”, Income information questionnaire.

We have been using Escapees as our mail forwarding address for over sixteen years and have never received this in the past. Don’t know what may have changed but would like to know if any other Escapees have received any this in their Escapees mail?

” Happy Trails “


"Class of 2007 Fulltimer's"

Gary & karen

Smoochie & Michaela (fur babies)

2018 Chevorlet 3500 HD/LTZ 2L Custom Hauler

2014 Heartland Cyclone 4000

2016 Smart Car Prime

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In our mail last week we did not get anything like this.  Be interesting to see if the next mail has it.


Amateur radio operator, 2023 Cougar 22MLS, 2022 F150 Lariat 4x4 Off Road, Sport trim <br />Travel with 1 miniature schnauzer, 1 standard schnauzer and one African Gray parrot

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I NEVER fill out any of that info. Government does too much prying. I ignore it and it gies away.

Steve and Joy

Amateur Radio Operator WZ1T . . .  Flex 6600 M,  Flex PGXL, Flex TGXL, 

2014 Itasca Suncruiser 38Q . . . Lincoln MKX Toad

The Kids . . . Yogi the Yorkie  passed 10/20/2018. . . Cookie the Chihuahua passed 11/30/2017 . . . Cooper the Aussie Doodle passed 3/10/2020

Abbie  and Abel  the Doodles . . . Brother and Sister Born 02/02/2020   . . . Lucy the Yorkie . . . and Axel  . . .The Bernie Doodle


Where We Are Now

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29 minutes ago, Ranger Smith said:

I NEVER fill out any of that info. Government does too much prying. I ignore it and it gies away.


I was not planning on giving the  Polk Central Appraisal District any of my personal information. I’m just interested if any Escapees have received this type of correspondence seeing it was addressed to my Escapees mailing dress *** RAINBOW DR PMB **** LIVINGSTON TX 77399-0000.

”Happy Trails”


Edited by chiefneon

"Class of 2007 Fulltimer's"

Gary & karen

Smoochie & Michaela (fur babies)

2018 Chevorlet 3500 HD/LTZ 2L Custom Hauler

2014 Heartland Cyclone 4000

2016 Smart Car Prime

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38 minutes ago, whj469 said:

Are you running a business using that Escapee  address.

Not now nor have I even ran a business or used Escappes address for that purpose.

"Class of 2007 Fulltimer's"

Gary & karen

Smoochie & Michaela (fur babies)

2018 Chevorlet 3500 HD/LTZ 2L Custom Hauler

2014 Heartland Cyclone 4000

2016 Smart Car Prime

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7 hours ago, sandsys said:

Feels like a scam to me. I think I'd call Polk County and ask them. I'm sure they like to know if it is a scam.


I would not call anyone . . . . File it in the round file cabinet for the trash man and forget about it.

Steve and Joy

Amateur Radio Operator WZ1T . . .  Flex 6600 M,  Flex PGXL, Flex TGXL, 

2014 Itasca Suncruiser 38Q . . . Lincoln MKX Toad

The Kids . . . Yogi the Yorkie  passed 10/20/2018. . . Cookie the Chihuahua passed 11/30/2017 . . . Cooper the Aussie Doodle passed 3/10/2020

Abbie  and Abel  the Doodles . . . Brother and Sister Born 02/02/2020   . . . Lucy the Yorkie . . . and Axel  . . .The Bernie Doodle


Where We Are Now

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6 hours ago, Kirk W said:

Chief, have you called the Escapees office about it? If you have not please do so as soon as I possible. If they don’t know then share it with them. 


Kirk, I stopped by the Escapees office here in Livingston today. I showed the correspondence to them I had received. No one at Escapees had seen or heard of anyone receiving such correspondence. A supervisor for Escapees contacted the Polk County Appraisal Office. The supervisor informed me that the appraisal office confirmed that the correspondence did come from them and if I was not using the address for commercial use to disregard it.

End of story.

” Happy Trails “


"Class of 2007 Fulltimer's"

Gary & karen

Smoochie & Michaela (fur babies)

2018 Chevorlet 3500 HD/LTZ 2L Custom Hauler

2014 Heartland Cyclone 4000

2016 Smart Car Prime

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3 hours ago, chiefneon said:

The supervisor informed me that the appraisal office confirmed that the correspondence did come from them and if I was not using the address for commercial use to disregard it.

End of story.

That is good news indeed. Because I have been aware of some recently enacted new voting laws from Austin it made me really nervous. Thank you for sharing your information.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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4 hours ago, dewilso said:

They just keep trying to get the Escapee member voting rights taken away.

That is not true. You need to read the thread.

On 1/11/2022 at 4:14 PM, chiefneon said:

A supervisor for Escapees contacted the Polk County Appraisal Office. The supervisor informed me that the appraisal office confirmed that the correspondence did come from them and if I was not using the address for commercial use to disregard it.

End of story.


Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Here is the actual letter below. If I got one I would ask why I got it it for a PMB instead of a piece of property to tax. But avoiding it may be one of those things where ignorance is not bliss. I don't have a dog in this fight but do go the the website in my link at the bottom to see what the appraisal notices are for and who to contact directly to let them know it is a PMB. If a clerical error I'd want it corrected before it goes further.

Here is their page explaining it and that website also has contact info in the menu:

"Property Owners Should Soon Start Receiving Appraisal Notices For The 2021 Tax Year

You may soon receive an appraisal notice from Polk Central Appraisal District. The appraisal district will mail appraisal notices on April 21, 2021. Your city, county, school district and other local taxing units will use the appraisal district's value to set your 2021 property taxes.

Under Texas law, county appraisal districts are required to notify property owners about changes in their property value. The notice contains important information about the properties location, ownership and property tax exemptions that apply to the property. The notice will also include an estimate of the taxes by local taxing units if your value increase in the last year.


Property owners who disagree with the noticed value, exemptions, or any other action by the appraisal district have the right to appeal to the Polk Central Appraisal Review Board (ARB). The ARB is an independent panel of citizens responsible for hearing and settling property owner protests. The notice of appraised value includes instructions on how  and when to file a protest, a protest form and the Comptroller's Property Taxpayer Remedies. The deadline for filing a protest with the ARB is May 15th or 30 days after your notice of appraisal value was delivered to you. 


The Comptroller's publication, Property Taxpayer Remedies, explains in detail how to protest your property appraisal, what issues the ARB can consider, and what to expect during a protest hearing. The publication also discusses the options of taking your case to district court, the State Office of Administrative Hearings, or binding arbitration if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your ARB hearing.


Property Taxpayer Remedies can be viewed through the attached links, or at the Polk Central Appraisal District office located at 114 Matthews street, Livingston, TX. The publication is also available on the Comptroller's Property Tax Division website.


(Both English and Spanish versions of the Property Taxpayer Remedies can be found on the polkcad.org website under Forms.)"


Source: https://polkcad.org/news


Hope that helps


Edited by RV_

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Oh man, this takes me back to when we lived in Bastrop county and fought with them constantly, they got real aggressive and unrealistic on property taxes, and anyone they suspected of running a business no matter how small with their business tax rendition forms. Yes you could protest and take it to the ARB but it never did any good.  And then Travis county tried to annex the northern part of Bastrop county to increase their tax revenue so we would have ended up paying two county taxes, it failed thank goodness!

That is one of the reasons we sold our home/property, became Escapee's members and gave Bastrop and Travis our middle finger!  Went fulltime and moved our residence to Polk county. I suspect Polk county thinks they maybe losing out on tax revenue so they are shaking the trees so to speak to see what falls out.

Steve & Tami Cass, Fulltime Since 2020, Membership -Escapee's, FMCA, Good Sam, Harvest Hosts

2018 Ram 3500 DRW / 2019 Grand Design Solitude 3350RL S-Class. Texas Class A Drivers License

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