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East Coast Rally, Logistics, and Bad Fortune


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In fairness and full transparency, I need to make folks aware of a slight setback in the ECR plans in case it influences your decision whether to attend.  I was informed yesterday that a freak windstorm at the end of the Grand Design Rally last spring shredded the meeting tent.  The campground has no plans at present to replace it since we are the only rally now at Deer Run.  I looked into rental but it was prohibitively expensive (well over $3500) for the course of the rally without significantly increasing the rally fee.  The present fee barely covers supplies and meals with a few $$ left for contingency.  We still will have full use of the pavilion by the swimming pool and possibly the chapel for seminar presentations and other events.  I am working on providing limited transportation from the “other side of the lake” to the pavilion when necessary but it will probably not accommodate everyone at their convenience.  I am still planning the social aspects of the rally with some modifications so bear with me while I get those worked out.  May be some inconvenience but I still feel we can have a fun and productive rally.  BTW for those who would espouse change in location, that is not a viable option on “short” notice.  The logistics require almost a full year to nail down.  If anyone has any questions or suggestions please email me at ecrcarl at gmail dot com.

2006 Volvo 780 "Hoss" Volvo D12, 465hp, 1650 ft/lbs tq., ultrashift

Bed Build by "JW Morgan's Custom Welding"

2017 DRV 39DBRS3

2013 Smart Passion Coupe "Itty Bitty"


"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first!"

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There is always something, hey Carl!  That is how I derived my user name.  All organizers for the rallies have our sincere thanks for what you do.

I have a 10 x 20 tent with sides that is fairly durable.  It has been used at Richmond NASCAR races many times and has survived some nasty weather.  It has sides and ends.  We no longer attend the RIR races in a large group and can bring it and donate to the cause.  I know it is not near big enough for the big gatherings but might do for the smaller presentations.

There is a 20 x 40 tent on ebay for $1400.  Says it will seat 56 with round tables, 64 with rectangular.   Also says it is "heavy duty".  I would be willing to donate 1/4 the cost.  

All of that comes with the caveat:  We may not be able to attend.  We are still homebound with an aging mother-in-law.  Getting a caretaker in place for ten days is again, NeverEasy.


Chet & Deb
'01 Volvo 660 w/ Smart
'19 Forest River Columbus 320RS 5th wheel
2022 Chev 2500HD Long Bed
Retired CWO4, USN and federal service
Electronics Tech/Network Engineer/Welder/Machinist

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As always you are so giving.  If you can make it (hope you can) and have room for the tent, stick it in.  One other attendee is bringing a couple and maybe we can figure a way to string together for the seminars and use the pavilion for any of the bigger functions.  I’ll take a look at the eBay listing and see what’s up with that.  I’m more than willing to kick in also so we would have half covered and rally could probably amortize the rest over few years. You just have to love this “family” of HDTers for the backing and giving nature of time, money, and expertise.

2006 Volvo 780 "Hoss" Volvo D12, 465hp, 1650 ft/lbs tq., ultrashift

Bed Build by "JW Morgan's Custom Welding"

2017 DRV 39DBRS3

2013 Smart Passion Coupe "Itty Bitty"


"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first!"

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I’ve had several inquiries whether we plan on having the seminars this year.  We absolutely will and actually adding couple of new topics which should interest new and seasoned HDTers.  We will definitely be gearing the educational portion to those considering an HDT as well as those already using one.  So if you want to attend just some minor inconveniences we will work through.

2006 Volvo 780 "Hoss" Volvo D12, 465hp, 1650 ft/lbs tq., ultrashift

Bed Build by "JW Morgan's Custom Welding"

2017 DRV 39DBRS3

2013 Smart Passion Coupe "Itty Bitty"


"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first!"

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Count us in for 25% too. I propose two more folks step up so Carl and Donna don't have this burden along with all the work they do for the rally.

Thanks Chet.

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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Let me throw something else out to the group.  If I/we bought the ripped tent at a highly discounted rate (if still at Deer Run) would anyone have any experience or expertise concerning repair as far as cost, feasibility,  and place to have it done?  I’ve priced just canopies and they are very expensive.

Edited by SuiteSuccess

2006 Volvo 780 "Hoss" Volvo D12, 465hp, 1650 ft/lbs tq., ultrashift

Bed Build by "JW Morgan's Custom Welding"

2017 DRV 39DBRS3

2013 Smart Passion Coupe "Itty Bitty"


"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first!"

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2 minutes ago, Mark&Bonnie said:

Bonnie and I can help also. Let us know what is needed.  Or we can just go Ricks route. On second thought lets see what we can all do together. Mark


Don’t know if you know Rick very well yet but watch that guy. 🤣

Seriously everything will work out. Too many good folks with good minds helping and coming up with good ideas. 

2006 Volvo 780 "Hoss" Volvo D12, 465hp, 1650 ft/lbs tq., ultrashift

Bed Build by "JW Morgan's Custom Welding"

2017 DRV 39DBRS3

2013 Smart Passion Coupe "Itty Bitty"


"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first!"

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As for repairing the old one, you might try a shop that does sailboat sails. They should have the proper equipment to repair that kind of heavy fabric.


2007 Freightliner M2-112, 68' connected

2021 New Horizons Majestic 45' toyhauler

2001 Kawasaki Concours

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5 hours ago, nawaa said:

As for repairing the old one, you might try a shop that does sailboat sails. They should have the proper equipment to repair that kind of heavy fabric.

Also shops that repair tarps for the trucking industry.



2006 Volvo VNL 430, 2006 smart cabrio cdi, 2000 Triple E Topaz 30'

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You could try my tailor shop, Omar's Tents.....

Truck tarp repair shops shy away from items that large.  One of my brothers works for the biggest tarp shop in the Cincinnati area.  That said, I've not seen the damaged pieces.

And Carl, Mark knows just enough about me to heed your warnings.

Edited by rickeieio

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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