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Mail forwarding for US Permanent Residents


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Hi all,

We're planning to start a year-long North America trip in the spring. We're moving out of our apartment and will set up a virtual mailbox as our primary address.

We're not anticipating any major problems with this except for maybe one thing: we're Green Card holders and need to inform USCIS of any change of address within 10 days (for AR-11). We'd obviously like to use our mail forwarding service for this rather than have to resubmit form AR-11 at every campground we stop at...

Has anyone here done this successfully or have any info as to whether this might be a problem?


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To echo @SWharton, I've been in the States for more than 20 years and I've had to deal with INS/USCIS many times. I've learned that it's usually better to deal with them through an immigration attorney than to risk getting on the radar of an individual agent for some perceived transgression of any of their procedures. I'll be doing just that if I can't find someone with first-hand knowledge.

Thanks for the help so far, very valuable.

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I can tell you that we have a number of foreign citizens who use the Escapee mail service to register their RVs and get any necessary mail when in this country touring and they have no problems in doing so, but what I don't know is if the INS would accept their provided address for your "Green Card." I can't recall ever speaking with a holder of a Green Card who was planning to travel but assuming that the INS has no problem with a mail forwarding service as an address, I think the Escapees Mail would probably be a good choice. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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I agree with Kirk. Just put in the Escapees address and see what happens. If it kicks out due to zip code, put in the Livingston zip code instead(77350). I have had to do this once in 20+ years.

When you are on vacation you don't give them a new address each day. This wouldn't be any different.

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