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05 Hurricane

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New 05 33' Hurricane with kitchen slide and bedroom slide. The salesman opened them when he sold me the unit! Now I can't figure out how to open them. I have a key, battery is up and break is set! But they don't work? What am I doing wrong? 

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homelesshartshorns | Trying to spend the last Dollar on the Last Day! (wordpress.com)

George Hartshorn | Facebook


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Ok assume everything is working right. And I don't understand how to turn the keys, parking break,  Jacks down. Can some tell me all the steps to operate the slides? I'm thinking I am missing a simple step!

Still seeing Places we have never seen before and others that we thought we would never see again!


homelesshartshorns | Trying to spend the last Dollar on the Last Day! (wordpress.com)

George Hartshorn | Facebook


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On 5/8/2017 at 5:57 PM, homelesshartshorns said:

I assume a kitchen slide would be hwh since that is what the Jacks are.

In most HWH systems, you can easily determine that by looking at the valve manifold. You should be able to find the operator's manual for your system if you know which one you have by looking through this listing which I found in an online search. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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