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insterment power, at start up, issues


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I had a lack of power to the interment cluster happen 3 times on our mid west trip last fall. It happened after we had set for a day to two, only at start up, Turn the key, lights come on, 20 sec. they go out, (normal) crank engine, (cranks more then normal) and starts up. Then NO.. ECM .... NO tack,,,, NO heater fan...will not rev over 1200 RPM. Idles ok and after 4/5 minuets,....every thing go back to normal. Go all day and the next day, not a problem. set for a day or two........happened agene. I have had the interment cluster out and soldered the boards on the back of the cluster a few years ago. Had dash light then, but before all this, (spring) dash lights went out. I'm thinking maybe the plug in in the back of the dash have a pin or two, that has been pushed out so it dose not make good contact.... Thanking about just replacing the boards on the back of the interment cluster.. OR is it something else...???? maybe a ground.... Thought maybe some one else has had the same experience. I'll get in to it when the weather warms up a little, spring project. Any help/ ideas is appreciated. Thank you OU812

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Low battery voltage.

Low "cranking" amps.

Check/replace the fuses and wires to your computers.

Usually located at the battery compartment.

These fuses and holders are known to get "dirty.

Even if the fuse " looks" ok check it with your multimeter.

Also check your battery cables.

Grounds can cause lots of issues!

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Thank you for your reply. I checked and the 4 battery's are seven years old, it's time to change them out. I know about the fuse holder, I'll check it out. A ground was my first thought; in the dash area. New battery's, clean cables, and fuse holder will be ....sop Then I'll take a look at the dash. Thank you for the help OU812

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