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Trinity Test Site

Optimistic Paranoid

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The Trinity Test Site is only open to the public twice a year. Next opening; April 1st.






My Body is a Temple!  Ancient, Crumbling, Probably Cursed . . .

I Don't Like to Make Advanced Plans.  They Cause the Word "PREMEDITATED" to Get Thrown Around in Court!


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Might just be passing that way at the right time? I have heard that people who visit are just radiant when they depart!

For more particulars on the opportunity, check out the Trinity Test Site web page.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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They have the open house at the Very Large Array on the same day. A few years ago, we went to the Trinity site in the morning, and then to the VLA in the afternoon.


The VLA open house has tours by staff members. We did some tours and then went to a talk by an astrophysicist late in the afternoon and were the only ones there and it was more like a conversation than a talk. It was great.

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