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Goose Island Texas 2017

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Been doing a lot of bike riding this month and I must say we are getting much better each time we go out. I still feel like Tim Conway getting up on the seat and getting started, but after I have moved just a few feet I feel like Michael J. Fox when e stands up on Ice Skates. Read More:

Still seeing Places we have never seen before and others that we thought we would never see again!


homelesshartshorns | Trying to spend the last Dollar on the Last Day! (wordpress.com)

George Hartshorn | Facebook


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We are currently volunteering at Goose Island and are really enjoying it.  Great site on the Bay front, really happy campers.  The staff is overworked and understaffed, thus they REALLY enjoy their volunteers.  There are lots of varied positions.

Rockport is a great  town..  Lots of amenities, great restaurants.  WONDERFUL seafood!


Call the park and sign up!  Ask for Volunteer Coordinator.   361-729-2858.

Traveling America in "God's Grace"

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