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City Water Intake Valve Makes Noise


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I replaced the city water intake valve. Now, whenever I use either the hot or cold water there is a high-pitched whining noise coming from the valve.


Any ideas as to what might be the cause and how to eliminate the noise. The valve we replaced did not make a noise.




2016 Leisure Travel Van Serenity S24CB

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You may need to replace it again. It sounds like some internal problem. You cold place your hand on it while someone runs water to verify that the sound comes from it as it should vibrate if it is the source. Unless there is some problem with the installation, I don't know what else you can do.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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On my Salt system for the house, every few days it come's on an re-generates it self. Started to make a noise. was told by my friend the plumber, that there is a restriction in line somewhere. (blockage). Sound is like when you turn on garden hose just a little an when you turn it on more sound goes away.

Check see if Water in is turned all way up.

2000 Itasca Horizon DP (Got Total During Irma). 

Vice President of Charlotte County Defenders LE MC


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