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Pre-need burial eligibility determination


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Read about this in my local freebie paper today. I have no idea how long it takes the VA to determine burial benefits after an eligible person dies. But if you want to get one thing taken care of ahead of time, submit a VA 40-10007 and proof of service, like a DD214.


One option to send in the form and evidence of service is via email. I would NOT do that. Email is not secure and a lot of personal info (including SSN) is on the forms.




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Your local American Legion Post and county VA service officer will help with this too.


2000 Winnebago Ultimate Freedom USQ40JD, ISC 8.3 Cummins 350, Spartan MM Chassis. USA IN 1SG retired;Good Sam Life member,FMCA ." And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.  John F. Kennedy 20 Jan 1961


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This is not a hot topic, perhaps for obvious reasons.


I have no idea if things have somehow changed but when my Dad passed the funeral home had the money and flag from the VA before the state returned the official death certificate that was needed for the actual burial.


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We are just going through this, my retired AF father-in-law died 14 December. My wife and her brother as the two sole heirs had help from the funeral home, and the Barksdale AFB mortuary affairs office. As well, they went to the local state VA reps and submitted their claims. She got a letter from the VA a week ago letting her know they have her claim, and essentially said we would receive assistance in the order in which it was received, and that nothing more is required between now and when they pay her. (She is the executor and power of attorney holder.) We had no problem paying for the whole shebang up front. If anyone expects to get paid before the money is needed and the bill due had best contact their selected funeral home, or one in the area you want to be buried in and see what they do for Vets locally. The flag, and the honor guard were sent by the Base folks, and a Shadow box with three of the brass from the firing squad salute is inside in front bottom of the triangular shadow box.


Bottom line, find out what is paid for today and be prepared or have enough in an account to cover all costs until the government coughs up the claim monies.


This was for an honorably discharged, 20 year career retired USAF NCO. VA benefits for veterans who served a tour or three, and did not serve long enough to be retired under the old system may be totally different. may be different. We paid for the brass markers and stone up front and will be reimbursed for the covered line items which the marker brass plaques are one.


I'll try to remember to come back and update what and when the VA reimbursed covered expenses for a retiree.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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