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Lifter ticking noise


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Lifter ticking sound

So a nasty lifter ticking sound has revealed its self to me, it started about 2 months ago, then it was just at a cold start up and would disappear, lately it's still at start up and sometimes stays around for a while, it's rather unpredictable the motor is a re-furbished 3126b rated at 300 hp in a 1999 Freightliner Sports Chassis with a 6 speed automatic, the motor has about 45K on it now, today I cracked the valve cover and made some very minor adjustments to the rocker arms, almost all were spot on according to the factory marks on the locking nuts, and the ticking continues, possible causes a hydraulic lifter that has failed, but one would think during the adjustments it might make its self clear by the slack in the rocker arm or the factory's marks on the locking nuts, any thoughts or comments on this ?

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A weak spring in the lifter will allow it to continue to tick even with adjustment. It may have some dirt/debris caught in it. Try adding a quart of automatic transmission fluid to the oil and run it a few hundred miles and see if it will clear out. ATF is a great clearer and won't harm anything.

Gary & Penny

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