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Garmin-Purchasing new maps


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I am currently using Streets and Trips to create a route on my laptop and upload the route onto the Garmin device. I have a Garmin 2557LMT.


I am planning a trip to Spain and Portugal. I can either purchase a microSD card with the maps or

download the maps using Garmin Express. Ive read that if I purchase a microSD card, that I MUST useBasecamp which I do not want to use.


Can anyone confirm that I must use Basecamp if I purchase a microSD card?


If I choose to download the map using Garmin Express, am I still required to use Basecamp to

map a route?


Thanks for your help,



2016 Leisure Travel Van Serenity S24CB

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I've never heard of having to use BaseCamp to add maps to a Garmin GPS. In any case, you will most likely have to add an SD card to your unit to have enough space for European maps. Most stock Garmin GPSs just have enough storage space for the North America maps, anyway. Both of our Garmins (2555 I think and an RV760) have SD cards in them for space. I just inserted formatted SD cards in the GPSs before downloading maps.



2012 F350 CC LB DRW 6.7
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I just do the US and Mexico. I need the SD Card but have never been asked about BaseCamp. Doubt that you need it.

2007 Arctic Fox 32.5 rls for full-timing, now sold.

2014 Sunnybrook Sunset Creek 267rl for the local campgrounds now that we are off the road
2007 Silverado 2500 diesel

Loving Green Valley, AZ (just South of Tucson)

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Thank you for your replies. I looked at the Garmin website again and realized the requirement for Basecamp was required

if you downloaded to a laptop. Looks like we'll purchase it.


Again, thanks for your sharing your experiences.



2016 Leisure Travel Van Serenity S24CB

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