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Merry Christmas


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X8. Merry Christmes, Happy Holidays, and Cheerful Time of Year, if you're of some other religious or ethnic persuassion.


I thoroughly enjoy being part of such a diverse, caring, and tolerant group. :wub:

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


2017 marks a huge milestone for us as we transition to the ranks of full timers. Looking forward to a great year!


Jim & Wilma


Jim & Wilma

2006 Travel Supreme 36RLQSO

2009 Volvo VNL730, D13, I-shift, ET, Herrin Hauler bed, "Ruby"

2017 Smart

Class of 2017

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone, travel safely.



2001 Peterbilt, 379, Known As "Semi-Sane II", towing a 2014 Voltage 3818, 45 foot long toy hauler crammed full of motorcycles of all types.  Visit my photo web site where you will find thousands of photos of my motorcycle wanderings and other aspects of my life, click this link. http://mr-cob.smugmug.com/



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