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Tucson Repair Shops - 57th Escapades

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For the Volvo guys Vanguard Truck Center is nearby and does good work per my experience.

Dennis & Nancy
Tucson, AZ in winter, on the road in summer.

1999 Volvo 610 "Bud" 425 HP Volvo, Super 10 spd.
2005 Mountain Aire 35 BLKS
2013 smart fortwo CityFlame riding on Bud
(Replaced '05 smart first loaded in '06

and '11 smart that gave it's life to save me!)
Our Travel Blog


We had a very good experience last April with Desert Automotive in Sierra Vista. Their follow up on a problem was excellent. We are fulltime travelers and to find a shop that does the job and if there is a problem they take care of it promptly.




Jeff :)

Tina and Jeff

Class of 2011

"RV there yet?"

2005 Gulfstream Endura

and a 1987 Jeep Wrangler




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